2020 Tea Advent Swap
I received my calendar from Amanda yesterday (it’s so cute and she very sweetly included some extra goodies) and mailed Devon’s to her today!
I received inklings calendar! I mailed out Shae’s two day but guaranteed by the 28th. I can’t send private messages I get the oops error LOL. If anyone wants to do further swapping, visit my cupboard and let me know!
My advent calendar from Devon arrived today! It is SO cute – each tea is packaged in holiday paper with a handwritten note on the back. I read the first one and now have to go find a place to hide the box so I’m not even more tempted to read all the rest at once! It’s even got a Christmas box/stand for all the packages to sit in so I can proudly display it on my tea cabinet throughout December. And, did I mention, Devon included CAT STUFF?! The cutest little bags with cats as teapots. They are adorable. Beautiful, beautiful advent calendar! I can’t wait to dive in on the 1st. Thank you, Devon!!
Oh my gosh, this post put me in such a good mood – I literally paused Netflix and read it out loud to my roommate – thanks so much for the warm fuzzy! I’m glad you loved the tea bags I made! I thought the fabric was adorable!
Oh my goodness, you made them?! That is so impressive! Especially with the little drawstrings to pull them closed, how creative. And yes, agreed – the fabric is so adorable! It took me a minute to realize the cats were teapots, but when I did I ran to show my husband the cuteness. These now have a permanent place on one of my tea shelves.
Maybe we could take pictures of received Advents? I know I made quite boring one (sorry AJRimmer!); but for example I indeed like the one I have received from you Shae, as well that one which you have received seems wonderful!
It would be fun to see! Is there a way we can attach photos here, or do we need to post links to pictures here, maybe?
Oh goodness, Martin, you are being kind. I thought the one I sent you was also quite boring. I wanted to decorate the little envelopes but could barely fit them into the box as is. It was my first time mailing something overseas and I was so worried that if I made any mistakes with the dimensions you wouldn’t even get it!
I do like the idea of sharing pictures. I thought about posting on Instagram and then sharing the link with each of my tasting note, but we’ll see how dedicated I am to that after the first day or two. :)
Shae, dimmensions shouldn’t be a problem. Though… it was considered as a letter (how?!). I am completely okay how it looks like. It’s simple, not too overdecorated (I was asking for that, because… what I can do with that after the Advent?) So for me, it is okay. I liked the idea of glued envelope with the “Read me” letter. It’s small things :)
BTW, four days!
Good to know about the dimensions, Martin. The online form asked me to measure it, so I was a bit worried. I wonder why it was marked as a letter? How strange!
Yes, just a little longer to wait!!
Well, there are some maximum dimensions. Each post got it bit different, but normal size boxes are okay. Trouble is when it is over meter long or something I think. I have asked the delivery postwoman (they go on foot!) and she said she is okay with it as it’s better than the bills. I said I am sorry that she had to take that: “It’s okay, don’t worry about that.”
But why a letter and not a parcel, well… that is a mystery of Czech post!
Tomorrow’s the big day! Thanks so much to everyone who signed up to participate. Don’t forget to share your tasting notes each day (if/when you can) so your swap partner can see how much you’re enjoying your teas!
I must make a confession…. I opened mine already. I don’t know about you guys but when I need something to lift up my mood tea is a sure fire way to do it.
December first! The start of a new tradition for me! I’m excited to open up my little present every day! This morning, for my first tea, I am having glazed lemon loaf from Tazo! I enjoyed this on vacation a few years ago and never found it again, so this was fun to see! It’s a sweet lemon vanilla cake flavor! What did everyone else open up this morning!?
Tanzania Luponda Black! I had to take mine all out early though. I smelled lapsang and I knew that could ruin the other teas.
I HIGHLY suggest to all of you to separate the teas if they are in plastic. If they are in air tight containers no worries. But plastic bags can contamine the smells.
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