Common Ground: Tea and Football!
I didn’t see a common ground thread about this, so I thought I’d start one! Granted, there might not be a lot of overlap in American Football and tea drinking, but I’ve been watching the sport since I was a baby. Since I was about 5 when I picked my favorite teams, they’re all based on helmet designs I like (Dolphins, Bengals, Cardinals, Rams) though being from NY I am of course a diehard Giants fan! My boyfriend is an Eagles fan so sometimes it causes a bit of tension in the house haha. Nothing a nice cup of tea can’t fix!
My husband’s family in NH are die hard Patriots fans and I must say I do enjoy watching that team play. Which drives my brother NUTS as he LOVES the Giants. Makes for fun Sunday dinner conversation. :)
Giants fans and Pats fans are mortal enemies! Though my dad, who practically bleeds big blue, went to the superbowl and got along fine with the Pats fans. We just love to hate each other!
Yes, yes we do. I mostly like the Pats to irritate my brother. Good times.
It’s definitely a good-natured rivalry, probably because both teams are really good so it’s hard to name-call seriously haha
I’m a Jets fan. :)
I’m actually a fan of Tebow,any day over Sanchez. I’m definitely frustrated about how things are turning out so far.
Sanchez is solidly mediocre, but with Tebow he’s either great or really bad. Considering they’re going with BOTH of them, I think it will be a very interesting season to watch for sure!
I bleed green in the CFL – Go Riders! … even if this season is going a little.. er.. shakily? haha
Sadly it’s really hard to get the CFL in the US, they barely even show Arena Football :(
FOOTBALL!!! I love football……GO RIDERS like DaisyChubb said! I like watching NFL too but CFL is where my heart lies, we have season tickets to home games!
I would kill for season tickets to any team—my aunt used to have amazing box seats for the Redskins, they’d give you passes to walk around the field and stuff. I got very excited when we went by the replay booth. ^^;
Sometimes, I bring hot tea in a thermos to football games. Our friends say “hey, do you have booze in there?” When I say it is tea, they give me a weird look like “why would you bring tea to a football game.” I think they go together well!
Ok figure this out. My dad has been a high school football referee since as long as I can remember. He’s had season tickets for the Tennessee Titans since their inception (same year we moved to Tennessee). My brother goes to a SEC school. And I cannot watch football. I just want to nap while watching it. I feel like I’m doing something wrong.
My school got a football team the first year I started attending and this year they moved to some better conference and my dad tried talking to me about it and I’m just like …what. I’ve never gone to a game there. I went to two or three Titans games when I still lived with my parents, and it was okay there but only marginally better than at home. I try EVERY time I am there during football season and I’m convinced I’m adopted based on sports interests lol.
I think I’ve just shut down after my 18th birthday was ruined by traveling to the middle of nowhere for a high school playoff game that my school lost horribly and it was freezing cold. Someone fix me.
I can relate. Both my parents LOVE sports, but I could care less about it. I’ve been to lots of football games and I’ve taken the time to understand the rules of the game. But it’s just not for me.
Part of the reason is that the sports games are so long. A football game is 3 hours! That’s a lot of time to invest each week. And my football friends will schedule their lives around games. If a game is on at 2 in the afternoon and basically ruins any opportunity to get out and do something? Too bad, we have to watch it. And don’t even dare suggest DVR-ing it. The game MUST be watched live.
If you’re like me, though, you know a lot ABOUT football, and can probably talk to someone for 5 minutes and convince them that you’re a football fan.
Yeah everything else I like to watch sportswise is action for the entire length of the game (or race for the most part). When time of the game is spent with everyone just standing in some kind of position it makes me lose interest and I really wish I could get into it due to the fact it might be the only thing to watch in the fall and it’s one of the only teams we have here now. It just amazes me how little can occur in a football game (basketball is SO MUCH WORSE THOUGH) and they are only once a week compared to hockey being like 2-4x a week, so I can easily miss one of those but football doesn’t work that way.
I’m going to at least try to go to one of my school’s games here. I figure it has to be free or something, all I’ve learned about is a ticket to go to Knoxville for $45 and that’s just ridiculous. Then maybe I’ll try a Falcons game.
Football is the only sport I can really watch, funnily enough. My parents watch basketball which I find obnoxious because of the stupid squeaky shoes, and my bf loves baseball which is just so dull to me. I can’t get into it! I think it’s cause I was raised on football—but on the flip side I know lots of people who like other sports and hate football.
Cfl fan here ! but i have to say .. GO MONTREAL ! ;) and yeah tea and football go well with each other but tea go well with nearly everything
i do watch a little NFL but since i don’t really have a fav team i find it hard to really get into it
The only think I can think of that DOESN’T go well with tea is skydiving. Or uhh base jumping! The tea would get everywhere, it would be a disaster.
We’re Giants fans over here at Teaves- good to know there are other Giants fans on Steepster. Go Big Blue!
I’m pretty sure if you live in NY and you aren’t a Giants fan you get exiled from the city XD
The best thing about football season for me is that when the Steelers win, my husband is in a good mood. And when he’s all giddy and excited in the moment of the win, I can talk him in to taking me to tea shops and such. (sly grin) Since the Steelers do win quite a bit, this means that I’ll be going to the tea rooms a little more often once football season starts.
The Steelers do win a lot! I like them, even though as a Bengals fan I know I shouldn’t.
Buffalo bills I know I know I’ve heard all the jokes lol
The one thing you can always say about Bills fans is that they are so loyal! A lot of Giants fans turn into critics at a single bad game >.<
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