This tea tastes exactly like it smells – very very creamy. I need to steep it well to get that delicious oolong bitterness and herb flavors out of it, otherwise it’s a little too overpoweringly milky for me.

The whole milk oolong fakeness controversy can be a bit daunting to a novice drinker like myself but if I am to believe that milk flavor stays strong throughout infusions in real milk oolong, this tea carries creaminess all the way through.

Delicious tea for the morning that I can see myself drinking any time of the day.

205 °F / 96 °C 6 min, 0 sec

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I was always a huge fan of teas but my tastes changed constantly. Lately I am on the path of discovering Chinese teas, but not limiting myself to that. I am, however, favoring straight teas at this point.

I love pu-erh, oolongs are always a treat, learning about greens is delicious, absolutely neutral towards rooibos or herbals and black is always a yes. Incidentally any combination of the above is ok in a blended tea, which I like to have time to time.

« The first cup kisses away my thirst,
and my loneliness is quelled by the second.
The third gives insight worthy of ancient scrolls,
and the fourth exiles my troubles.
My body becomes lighter with the fifth,
and the sixth sends word from immortals.
But the seventh—oh the seventh cup—
if I drink you, a wind will hurry my wings
toward the sacred island. »





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