Udyan Tea
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#tiffanys2021sipdown Tea #166 overall / Tea #37 for April
Sunday 4/25 — Udyan Tea Darjeeling Spring Black Tea. Used 10g package as two different 32 oz pitchers of hot brewed tea for Micah’s homemade kombucha.
#tiffanydrinkstea #tiffanys2021 #tiffanysfaves #tiffanyinthe614 #tiffanysteasipdown #sipdownchallenge
#tiffanys2021sipdown Tea #93 overall / Tea #9 for March.
Monday 3/8 so my weekend of work was finished and I’m off for almost a week using some PTO. This was from a Sipsby box and I made a cold brew pitcher but I steeped it too long so it didn’t taste as nice I hoped (or maybe it was because the 10g was older packet) but it was still refreshing to sip on this weekend while running around busy at work and finished it today heated up in microwave at home. Nothing like a refreshing cup of green tea.
#tiffanydrinkstea #tiffanys2021 #tiffanysfaves #tiffanyinthe614 #tiffanysteasipdown #sipdownchallenge
(post dated) Samurai TTB Tasting Note #2 [from earlier in the week]
A very nice Darjeeling! I drank half of it plain and then added a touch of soy milk and enjoyed. Flavourful, but none of the floral flavours I expected based on the description. No bitterness at all. I wish I could add more but I struggle to describe plain teas when the main flavour is “black tea”. The main word I can use to describe this is “Darjeeling” which really isn’t any use to anybody. If someone has tips on how to describe normal tea tastes I’d welcome the advice. Otherwise, I’m stuck with the basics like smooth/tannin/bitter/astringent which is more about the mouthfeel that the actual flavour.
I’m a big fan of Darjeelings, so it is no surprise that I enjoyed this cup.Flavors: Tannin
From the Samurai TTB.
I was looking for one more black tea to try today, to boost my energy this afternoon. I can’t say that it’s helping there, but this is certainly a nice cup for a quick tea break. It’s light in color, flavor as well, and there’s a slight hint of chocolate that I love so much in some of the black teas I like. There was right at a teaspoon left so I’ve finished this one from the box. As it cools, I like it even more. I wouldn’t call it a favorite, but I’ve enjoyed it. Thanks, SkySamurai for sharing!
Flavors: Chocolate
‘Samurai’ Traveling Teabox – Tea #3
The name on this one sure was intriguing… I figured it was some sort of Darjeeling, and I’m correct. (The package of the tea doesn’t say Darjeeling.) It’s one of my favorite types of Darjeeling, very distinct and strong while being complex. It reminds me a bit of Butiki’s Dark Side of the Melon. Drying mouthfeel and a brew the color of butternut squash. Flavor almost like aged grapes bordering on raisins. Super muscatel. As usual, a Darj very difficult to describe but very sophisticated and delicious. The flavor makes me think of being buried under a giant pile of yellowredorange maple leaves in autumn.
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoon for a full mug // 19 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 5 minutes after boiling // 4 minute steep
This one is from SkySamurai! Thank you! A new-to-me shop! However,I can’t say I like this very much. I’m not sure if it’s the age of the tea (I know Darjeelings age VERY fast) or if the tea wasn’t fantastic to begin with, but this tea wasn’t tasting very great to me. I wasn’t loving the flavor, so couldn’t really note WHAT it tasted like, but it certainly was the opposite of the “floral” from the description. I didn’t even resteep the leaves, which is rare for me. Maybe the flavor was specific to this steep session. I have a little left in the sample to try again but then it will be even older. Maybe second flushes are definitely my thing. Basically this is just a note to say I DRANK THIS, so clearly the best tasting note ever.
2019 Sipdowns: 45 (Davidstea – Blueberry Jam (mini tin) + one sample of S&V’s Red Velvet)
I don’t generally like Darjeeling teas, but this one was actually rather pleasant. Enough so that I have water heating for a second steep, which never happens. I added milk and sugar because that’s what I do with black teas and it was pleasantly sweet with no bitterness or astringency and the muscatel notes weren’t overwhelming me like these teas usually do. I think I’ll actually keep this and drink the rest of it, rather than donating it to the free tea box at work. Kind of amazing actually, maybe I should rethink First Flush darjeelings.
Rohini Emerald Green is a First Flush Darjeeling tea, a variety I’m particularly fond of. I’m intrigued by this one, though (more so than usual!) because the leaf is different from any I’ve seen before.
Read my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2015/11/01/rohini-emerald-green-first-flush-darjeeling-udyan-tea/
First Flush Darjeelings are among my favourite black teas, as I’m sure I’ve intimated several times before. This one – from the Goomtee Estate – is apparently perfect for “strong hearted first flush lovers”. Well, we shall see.
Read my full review here: http://sororiteasisters.com/2015/10/25/goomtee-china-classic-first-flush-darjeeling-udyan-tea/
It is a very soothing and quality tea to have. i have been having this since the past 3 months and i love it. its available at a very affordable price too!!
Flavors: Bitter, Jasmine, Smooth, Tea