The Republic of Tea

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Long, boring day. Perfect time for Earl Greyer! And since this is the last of my sample tin I’m pulling off the labels and using it as a travel tin.

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This is the stereotype of how I always thought tea should taste. I love it. Good for an afternoon pick me up on hour 7 at work.

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As noted in the picture, this tea has a very light yellow liqueur. Suiting, because this tea is very light overall, as is typical with White tea. I am not a huge fan of light teas, but this white tea is quite suiting for the headache I have and the rain outside: very subtlety sweet and refreshing.

It has a light and smooth body. The fruity flavor in this tea lingers. There is negligible but noticeable briskness. The aroma off the nose from both the tea bags and brew is very light.

Rating: 80%
Preparation: water just below boiling, steeped for 60 sec.

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chilled with soymilk, sweetened with sucanat. VERY good with the sucanat!

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again, with soy, with dinner

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a nice breakfast drink on the drive into work (with soymilk)

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I made a pitcher of strong, sweet chai, to mix on demand with soymilk. Delicious!

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I have a canister of this that I’m working my way through. It’s a nice chai alternative.

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I love this one. It brews up a pretty purple color. The acai is flavorful and fruity, but different.

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Refreshing, Refreshing, Refreshing! Bitter sweet under tones with the classic mint flavor. Wonderful!

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Forgot to log last week! LOVE IT!

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I drink all my teas – as is – plain. This was a FREE SAMPLE for ordering a catalog. It’s very dark in color. Scent and taste are a little above average, but I really like it. I’m sure this will be good for more than one steep.

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Nice almost floral aroma almost reminiscent of a first flush Darjeeling. Rich honey flavor very smooth. I like this tea a lot.
Steeped at 195 until leaves began to sink. I bought this bulk from Central Market for around $110 / lb

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Still enjoying these. I brew at 195 for about 1min adding 20-30 sec for each consecutive steep. I usually get about 5 cups.
My favorite thing is that they are pre-sized, so i just drop it in the infuser and go, no breaking / measuring, etc…

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First Pu-erh I’ve tried, so I can’t compare it to others, but It is very good.
Nice smooth woody flavor and convienent single cup balls.
I got this in bulk from Central Market, distributed by republic of tea, but I can’t find mention of it on their website. $110 / lb.
First steep 200 deg for 2 min.

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Nice oolong with good flavor that develops over several steepings. Very clean finish, and smooth taste. I buy this bulk from Central Market.

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