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drank Wuyi Rock Tea by EnjoyingTea.com
5 tasting notes

Contrary to most teas, I found that this one has a bitterness that lingers. The complex flavor palette provides lots of depth, however I found the overall composition to be slightly disappointing.

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This was the first white tea that I’d ever tried. It was a bit bitter for my taste, and had a bit of a vegetative aftertaste. I wonder if I didn’t brew it a bit too strong. I didn’t mind it, though, and would probably drink it again given the chance.

Flavors: Bitter, Earth, Sweet, Vegetal

165 °F / 73 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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My aunt gave me this tea sampler from this company it came in a cute little tin. This is very smooth and light because of this i don’t reach for this one, when considering an english breakfast tea.

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Banana and tea just seem an odd combination to me, and I am not particularly fond of banana flavored things in the first place (picked the banana runts out of the bag as a kid). That being said, it’s not bad, and the banana is not overpowering or horribly artificial tasting, it’s just not something I would actively seek out. If you are a banana fan might be worth a shot.

Iced 8 min or more

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as i forgot my iPod ill have to do a quick review.

Ru yao dragon teapot gongfucha:

when i smell the leaves dry, they smell like chalk and clay (in a good way)

when i smell the leaves wet, the smell is intensified.

when i smell the brewed tea i smell clay chalk and spices.

when i taste the brewed tea i taste clay chalk and spices.

all in all this is a good tea. had me fooled too. i thought it was a green tea! :O
the color of the leaves was not brown but green! :O

thus why i rate it a 95 :)

i would recommend this tea to at least try it


Flavors: Clay, Spices

195 °F / 90 °C 10 g 165 OZ / 4879 ML

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a great tea!:

when i smell the leaves dry, i smell peppery grass.

when i smell the leaves wet, the smell is intensified.

when i smell the brewed tea, i smell peppery grass.

when i taste the brewed tea, i taste peppery grass and some bitter-sweetness.

i also note that this tea can get bitter when steeped grandpa style. i also am not sure if i taste butter notes.

the color of the brewed tea is a light olive and goes to a somewhat dsrk yellow when steeped grandpa style.

i rate this tea a 80 because its great, but im not much for the taste of green teas unless it’s long jing (dragonwell)

many thanks to “enjoying tea” for this great tea


Flavors: Bitter, Grass, Pepper, Sweet

190 °F / 87 °C 10 g 6 OZ / 190 ML

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drank Imperial Kuding by EnjoyingTea.com
314 tasting notes

From the Here’s Hoping TTB.

This looked interesting: the tea comes as a single leaf, which is twisted into a cylinder. Here was an opportunity to try it.

Big mistake. The taste is really horrible and bitter. After the fact, I looked on-line and discovered that it is supposed to be medicinal (probably based on the theory that something that tastes bad must be good for you). I have to admit that I finished the cup, since it’s supposed to be good for blood pressure, and I got a little bit used to it.


Blend it with lemon juice and it kills the bitterness… They don’t call it Bitter Nail tea for nothing… hahah xD

Dr Jim

The question is, why bother?

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The smell is way too much Bergamot, making me not want to drink it…but the taste is so much better. The rooibos is the most dominant character in this blend, though it’s definitely a complete, but fruity Early Grey. I enjoy tasting it and its good, with some of my friends absolutely loving it, but I honestly didn’t want four ounces. I wish that individual samples were sold.

Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus, Rooibos

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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Warning: this is only for Earl Grey lovers like the website suggests. When I am in the mood for it, this tea is great. When I’m not, it has way too much bergamot and it’s way to strong though it’s a white tea. The only bad angle about this tea is the potent, almost astringent flavoring.

It’s still a pretty good Earl Grey, and a decent white tea. I definitely taste the lighter Bai Mu Tan for the body which almost makes me prefer this one to a regular Earl Grey with Ceylon or Assam. There is also a herbaceous note that can be great, or a little bit overpowering. That’s why I drink this one only after two minutes. I never go above three for this one.

Tea purists be warned: this is NOT the tea for you.

Flavors: Astringent, Bergamot, Creamy, Herbaceous

200 °F / 93 °C 2 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 236 ML

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This tea is delicious I really enjoy drinking it warm when I get home to my house. I have a commercial property and it is delicious.

Flavors: Astringent

165 °F / 73 °C 4 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 4 OZ / 118 ML

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The banana in this blend really popped at first but the base quickly took over leaving me disappointed. Every now and then the delicious banana pops up however it competes with the astringent base and thus tends to be fleeting.

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The dry leaf smells of black tea and faintly of sweet banana. Brewed, the banana is still faint. It doesn’t smell or taste super artificial to me, more like ripe or over-ripe banana that would go into banana bread. For whatever reason, I didn’t get a bitter brew out of this like some other people, it’s actually pretty mild. I could see this as a tea for someone who usually just likes plain ol’ black, but wants a hint of something different every once in a while.

Flavors: Bread

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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I’m alive and still reviewing! I promise.

I just got married on the 20th, so it’s taken me a while to get back in the swing of everything. It was kind of like the heading to the final frontier of a seven year relationship, hah!

I’m up in the air on this tea. It’s very sweet and has a lot of sugar/candy flavor is quite strong. So is the pu-erh, though. And I’m not quite sure I like them together as much as I thought I might. It’s like two very dense heavy flavors fighting for dominance. I think I would have preferred the toffee to be more buttery with some nuttiness to balance the cup better.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 14 OZ / 414 ML








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drank Anxi Wulong by EnjoyingTea.com
606 tasting notes

Me and Oolongs don’t have a very good history. We don’t always see eye to eye on flavour. So when I get one, I tend to not expect too much from them…

So today I thought I’d try this one as something different. It was another one of my three free samples from Enjoying.com. I got some yixing pots from there and they sent me this as one of the samples.

Dry, this tea smells actually quite nice. Almost refreshing if that’s possible. I was pleasantly surprised that I liked the smell of it.

Once steeped, the smell became more… I dunno. Grassy I guess? I didn’t really enjoy the smell of the leaves steeped. I love how big the leaves got though. I definitely overleafed this one. By like a lot. But that gave me some really great, strong flavour without being bitter.

I am VERY surprised by this one. I actually enjoyed it! It is grassy, but in an almost refreshing kind of way. Normally that wouldn’t have been something I like, but for some reason, I like it this time. I drank it straight up. I figured that would be the best way to start this one off. And thankfully it was good that way.
I steeped it up for 3 minutes as I really didn’t know what the proper steeping method was. And that seemed to be okay. I figure even two minutes would be good really. I used 2 tsp for 16oz of water, but I think that I could have just used like 1.5 instead.

So, today, this was a surprise and I liked it! I would definitely get this one again if the company was located closer to me, but since it is literally across the country away, and took a week to get to me, I probably won’t get again… Unless I purchase more teaware from them, then I might order it. Their teaware seems to be pretty decently priced so far from what I’ve seen. I actually want to try a yixing mug at some point, and this company has some pretty nice looking ones.

Edit My second steeping of this one is also very good. I’m going to have to savour this tea a bit. I’m not so sure if grassy is the right way to describe this one after all. It’s almost like a sweet leafy taste… if that makes sense. It’s just got the slightest bit of sweetness to it and it’s almost like a lovely leafiness to it. It’s so weird to explain, but it’s really quite nice. I’m intrigued by these straight teas that have so many flavours to them. It’s very nice.

3 min, 0 sec 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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I’m new to Steepster, this is my first review, and I saw no one had reviewed this tea, so here I am. Anyways, I was searching around for some black dragon pearls that were more in my price range and I happened to find Enjoying Tea. They have one of the best prices I’ve seen and they seemed like a well-known website so I decided to give them a go. I order 4oz and got them within the week. I used 2 pearls per 8oz and brewed them for 5min. The first thing I noticed was the strong cocoa and chocolatey flavour. This tea is very full-bodied and is more close to a coffee. I even gave some to my friend, they thought it was coffee, and I told them no this is tea and it’s delicious! This is now my go to wake up tea due to how strong and full of flavour it is. If your looking for some affordable black dragon pearls then I highly recommend them from these guys.

Flavors: Chocolate, Cocoa

1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

welcome to Steepster!


Thank you! I plan to do some more reviews, so I hope they help and that you enjoy them :)


I like to brew black Dragon pearls like 4 pearls and less time. rinse(always) to open up leaves and 30/45/60 secs. you may try it and compare


Oh, I see. Thanks for the tip. I will definitely have to try that!

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drank Banana Black Tea by EnjoyingTea.com
15519 tasting notes


So the banana flavouring in this one is nice. When you can get through the base tea enough to taste it. IE. The base is a bitter, icky black sort of tea. The banana though? it’s tasty lol. It’s what i’d want in a banana tea if i could add it to a different base. heh

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Got a free sample of this one when I ordered a couple of yixing teapots.

I didn’t even steep this up. It smells so bad. It smelt like rubber. Even my husband was grossed out by the smell of it. I couldn’t even try it.. Oh well…

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From Ost’s stash sale.

This tea tasted exactly the way wet hay smells. Exactly. It’s not a flavor I enjoyed or would recommend, but it was quite incredible how exact the taste was. My husband tasted it, and agreed. Weird.

Flavors: Hay

Boiling 8 min or more 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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A classic roasty oolong. Not really much to say about this one. Not what I was looking to drink today, but not bad either.

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drank Banana Black Tea by EnjoyingTea.com
90 tasting notes

Well this tea isn’t bad, and certainly undeserving of the reviews it has on here. Like most reviewers, got this as a free sample when ordering something else. I think the problems arise with the steeping parameters, this one doesn’t work English style and it won’t work done grandpa either. Nope, leave your horse and carriage at home. Takes a puerh drinker riding in on a yak to the rescue and show these people how it’s done.

It’s done by gongfu, and yes in an unglazed clay pot. In this case Jian Shui, but any dedicated black tea unglazed clay pot will work. 5 grams (which is a lot of loose leaf) and 100 ml. As in small cup, around what 4 oz tops. Do a RINSE. I’ll say it again: do a Rinse. By Rinse I mean fill the tiny clay pot with boiling water over the tea and then pour it off. Water your tea pets with the rinse. Then fill the pot again and steep 15-20 seconds, pour into your cup.

The results? Delicious. This loose leaf has dried banana bits, they don’t taste like anything. Main profile for me is floral black tea, a rather good roast in fact. Chocolate and root beer whiffs. Slight bitter with short 20 secs 2nd steep but long sweet aftertaste.

This is pretty good actually.

Flavors: Chocolate, Root Beer

Boiling 0 min, 15 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 100 ML

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I had this cold brewed last night, and I think I’m just not a fan of rose in teas. The rose was pretty strong in this one. I felt like I was drinking perfume, a water based perfume . I was able to drink about half of it before deciding to call it quits. It wasn’t terrible, it was just weird and not my cup of tea (har-har).

Iced 28 OZ / 828 ML
Cameron B.

The only time I ever attempted to cold brew a rose tea, it was amusingly horrible… :P


I think that was the problem, I feel like the cold brew really dragged out the rose flavor! haha

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