Culinary Teas

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drank Peaches n' Cream by Culinary Teas
612 tasting notes

I’m trying to go through and backlog all the teas I had this spring and summer but was too busy to review. Pretty daunting, but some headway’s better than none, right?

Once I quickly figured out I’m not nuts for Culinary Teas’ black base for its flavored offerings (Ceylon usually, I think?) but do appreciate the aromas and flavors, I put most of ‘em in the “cold steep” pile…and learned to my delight they are fabulous that way. This was the stand out for sure. I emptied the pouch in no time at the beginning of the summer, loving every refreshing glass. It was so good that way I’d reorder it just for that purpose. Yum.


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A really good Rose Congou! I had heard much about chilling Rose Congou, but it was something I had never tried until I got this Rose Congou Emperor from Culinary Teas and I decided to try it out. It’s fantastic iced! It might even be better iced than hot. That’s not something I can say about every tea because I am a hot tea drinker more so than an iced tea drinker (although I do keep a pitcher of iced tea in the fridge at all times now because it’s nice to have something chilled to drink with meals and such)

When iced, this Rose Congou reminds me a little bit of baklava that has been flavored with rose water. The rose is soft, not at all perfume-ish or soapy.

Here’s my full-length review:

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drank Cherry Cordial by Culinary Teas
1040 tasting notes

Dark Chocolate and cherry, what’s not to like? I’m not getting the cough syrup, medicinal cherry that others are mentioning. This works for me. It’s not complicated, just a nice chocolate cherry tea. I would buy this again.

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A really impressive rooibos blend. The blueberry is intense here.

The sweet, nutty flavor of the rooibos creates a sort of pancake-y kind of flavor, and accents the blueberry notes well. Very good iced or hot.

Here’s my full-length review:

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Tea #2 from the TTB.

The smell is my favorite part. It’s got that wonderful earthy quality that puers have, which reminds me of hiking through the woods without another soul to be seen. The puers I’d tried previously tasted like rainy woods, but this one smells dry and warm and toasty because of the caramel toffee. I am definitely a fan.

I was initially a little disappointed by the taste, because I expected the caramel to be stronger, but it’s pretty subtle. The taste in general is pretty inoffensive, without some of the harshness or earthiness that some puers tend to have.

I should note, however, that my experience with puers is pretty limited. I tried a couple different ones at a friend’s two or three years ago, after which I semi-regularly drank the World Market version and Lupicia’s Strawberry & Chocolate as a dessert tea… But dessert puers really appeal to me, and since this is one of the few I’ve tried it’s definitely in the running!

Does anyone have any good dessert puers to recommend?


Tiramisu puerh isn’t bad from international tea house….and there are some damman freres ones I love… If I think of others I’ll yell :)

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From Considering a new Travelling Tea Box

I haven’t had many pu-erh teas yet and to be honest I haven’t liked what I tried. This one, however, I enjoyed, probably because the toffee masked some of the features of pu-erh I usually find objectionable.

Initially, Pu-erh dominated the nose, but as the tea cooled slightly the toffee came forward, to the point where I smell more toffee than tea, though both are apparent. The extremely rich and powerful taste manages to balance the Pu-erh flavor with the toffee. The tea provides a strong base, giving depth and power, while the toffee kind of floats on top, adding flavor.

I thought I would need to add sugar, but it tastes fine without it. There were little chunks of toffee in the tea, so those probably add some sweetness in addition to flavor. The finish is weak compared to the tea, with just hints of toffee and very little tea.

I’d say the aroma is the best part of the tea: well balanced, strong, and interesting. The taste is good, but a bit less integrated, and the finish is a bit disappointing.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec

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Tea #6 from Another Traveling Tea Box

I’m backlogging this one from Saturday night (when it wasn’t 40F out and chilly, thankfully)

This is a very fruity green tea, with a sweet, but not cloying, strawberry flavor that doesn’t need any additional sugar. Even with the strong strawberry flavor, the grassiness of the sencha isn’t masked and comes through as well.

I really really enjoyed this, but I’m sending the rest of it on as it doesn’t seem like a flavor profile I’d like hot and it’s getting too cold for iced tea.

Iced 8 min or more

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Yummy. Really YUMMY!

I’m in agreement with the others on Steepster that think that this tastes a lot like Watermelon jolly ranchers … and I love Watermelon jolly ranchers.
This is sweet, juicy and delicious. A bit “candy like” obviously, so if you’re one who prefers a not-so-sweet tea this one might not be up your alley, but I’ve a sweet tooth and I really enjoyed this a lot.

It makes a great iced tea.

Here’s my full-length review:

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drank Narcissus Oolong by Culinary Teas
4843 tasting notes


A really interesting Oolong. Sweet and floral, with a mild sweet pepper taste to it. I was really kind of surprised by the sweet pepper taste … in a very good way. I really liked it. It brought a unique and very compelling element to the cup.

The texture of the tea is soft and smooth, with a cleansing astringency that sort of wipes that soft, buttery texture off the palate in between sips. I like that the buttery notes don’t build too heavily.

A very enjoyable Oolong. Here’s my full-length review:

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man… if blueberry cream cheese danish reblend tasted like this i’d be so much happier. theres a little bit of astringency to this, but the blueberry flavouring is pretty nice. it’s not super creamy, but it IS tasty. i added a little sugar and it made it oh so much better,cutting through the slightly astringent taste.

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sample sipdown! Thanks kittenna :) This is a pretty decent chai tea. But it’s not pumpkin. It’s got a bunch of ginger in it that makes this an interesting blend and slightly different from some of the other chais that i like, but it’s tasty. Dropped the rating slightly though because pumpkin this is not. :)

Terri HarpLady

Speaking of Sleepy Hollow, have you seen the show? LOL


YES! haha i started watching it…still undecided but i’ll give it a few more episodes lol

Terri HarpLady

It’s a little cheesy, but there are points of interest :)


haha yeah we’ll see how it plays out. I am all for bad tv as well… ian doesn’t watch much tv so i watch 2-3 episodes of shows and decide if they’re worth his time. if they’re not up there, then i get to watch them when i want..and i get more tv time in since i ride public transit every day.


Haha, I’ve watched the first couple of episodes but I couldn’t take the cheesiness. Don’t think I’ll be watching this Monday’s ep. Guess it’s just not my type of show. :)


i’ve only seen the one so far and i’m leaning towards middle of my watch pile, but we’ll see how the second episode goes heh

Terri HarpLady

There are so many other great shows out there, but I only watch TV at Tony’s, so we’ll see if he decides to keep watching it. LOL


I was raised on front row Godzilla matinees. My cheese acceptance factor is pretty high. I just turn off the brain and go with it. Not great TV but nothing competing in the time slot I like better.

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thanks kittenna!

Well it appears that this is a tea i can get behind from culinary teas. It still wouldn’t be a staple, but at least i can get behind this one more than any of the others. There’s a creamy, buttery taste to this one and the base isn’t as harsh as the other teas i tried. It smells wonderful as well, just like a delicious caramel. hmmmm

thanks kittenna!

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another sample from kittenna! this one i had better luck with. it smells a little like those strawberry shortcake dolls…slightly artificial but not bad smelling. the taste is more like a green strawberry tea and not so very “shortcake-y” However, in comparison to the last two disasters for me, this is loads better. Still though, the base has a bitterness to it that i really don’t care for. oh well, better to sample than have purchased :)

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drank Pecan Pie by Culinary Teas
15131 tasting notes

sample from kittenna I’m pretty sure i dislike the base of culinary teas or something. This was another one that i couldn’t handle. the taste that was left in my mouth after i spit it out was decent, but the first impression left much to be desired. I’m steeping these fairly lightly too, so not too sure what’s going on. I appreciate the taste though Kittenna!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

Yeah, I totally agree. When I first joined Steepster I placed a huge order of flavored teas with CT all excited and was mostly disappointed. I think IIRC Ceylon tends to be the base for most of her flavored blends, and it was precisely the thing I wasn’t digging about any of them. It’s like the flavor applied over the tea base doesn’t “stick” well with the tea.

I did find much later that all of the flavored teas I tried from CT were salvageable cold steeped, esp. Peaches and Cream.

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drank Maple Tea by Culinary Teas
15131 tasting notes

thanks kittenna this is pretty nasty. While i realise i accidentally let this cool down, i pretty much took a sip and spat it out. Not sure if it’s contaminated or something but it was bitter, astringent and not delicious at all :( ah well, can’t win them all!

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 30 sec

I love the honesty. “Thanks” followed by " it’s nasty!"


Lol well I appreciate her giving me a try :) This is just icky though.

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Thank you Stephanie for this sample. I had this iced and its quite delicious. Its delicate… with a slight floral hint. The cherry note is quite pleasing. I like how simple this tea is yet still very impressive. Thank you for this little slice of bliss:)

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A really good Genmaicha. A good, warm, nutty and roasty flavor from the toasted rice, and the green tea has a freshness to it. The Matcha gives the cup a little bit of creaminess that I enjoyed.

Pleasant, sweet, and comforting. Here’s my full-length review:

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drank Pineapple Tea by Culinary Teas
224 tasting notes

So this is actually the second time I’ve made this, but I was so underwhelmed by it the first time I made it that I decided to just toss it back in my untried bin and after awhile, try it again. Lol.

Great pineapple smell in the bag, in a mouthwatering way. So I was pretty excited. And the brewed tea smells pretty pineapple-y also.
But after sipping it, I don’t really get much actual pineapple taste. Maybe I’m expecting too much, but if a tea is labeled pineapple, it should at least be pretty strongly pineapple. Even with sugar added, not much pineapple.
It could also be that this tea was so astringent to me that I couldn’t drink much more than half of it before pouring it out. Even 5ish minutes later my mouth is still all wonky from the astringency.

I’d keep this and finish it out, but that astringency is just too much. Ah well. One day I’ll find a good pineapple tea.

205 °F / 96 °C 2 min, 15 sec

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