Archer Farms
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Hmm, I guess I haven’t reviewed this yet. Okay!
I am not an earl grey person at all because I really don’t like bergamot and I imagine this is why I don’t like this tea very much. I decided to give it a try because I thought the unusual combo of flavors would be different enough to possibly change my mind, but unfortunately that was not the case. I am coming to appreciate black tea and rooibos combinations since you get the flavor of black tea with less caffeine, but I’m just not into whatever they did with the chocolate and berries. Honestly, it doesn’t taste like chocolate or berries or earl grey, it just tastes… weird. I can’t figure out what it reminds me of. Not undrinkable, but weird and mildly unpleasant.
Another downside worth mentioning is that there is very little leaf in each bag. I have to use two in all but the smallest of mugs.
I’ve been on and off the road the last several days and am out of sorts today – thinking about all of the things I should be doing, all of the things I have been forgetting to do since last week, and not wanting to do any of them because I am feeling rather lazy. Anyhow…yesterday I had an all-day shopping day/all-day sister day and I swear we were in like 57 stores…one of them being Target. Don’t laugh…I have only actually been in Target like 3 times now. We don’t have one close by and when we travel to a nearby city Hubby don’t like that store so we don’t shop there. So…I got this tea at Target. I chose it because I have never had anything from Archer Farms and this sounded interesting.
The aroma is subtle in every way. I can pick up a little chocolate and a little berry but neither is too intense. It brews pretty dark but it took a while to get there.
The taste is different. It wasn’t what I was expecting. It’s not overly ANYTHING, really. First I can taste a little cocoa like flavor – very subtle and then it fades away. Then I can taste a very little EG and it fades away. In follow-up sips I can taste a very slight cocoa-raspberry flavor at the beginning of the sip but then it morphs into the oh-so-subtle EG. None of the flavors are strong and none of them stay around for very long. It is creamy, tho, which is pretty nice. I can taste the black tea over the rooibos that is for sure and I am totally ok with that. The more I drink this the black tea taste pops out more and as it cools the flavors mix with the creaminess a bit better.
I don’t think I would buy this again because of the crazy amount of tea that I do have in my stash but I am glad I did buy it once to try it. The flavors aren’t very intense but the over all taste on the tongue is interesting, yet, different. It’s a bit mellower than I thought it would be but with the creamy aspect of it and the sweeter aftertaste I would consider it a lounge-tea one to laze-out to or while reading a book or something for the early evening, even. It’s not bad at all – overall…but quite different from what I thought it would be.
This has somehow managed to become my go-to work tea. I picked it up on a whim at Target, and it sat untouched on my desk until about two weeks ago. In that time I’ve managed to nearly finish off the box (two sachets left!).
It’s not the best tea. The jasmine is great at first, but if it cools too long, it loses some flavor and becomes a little too citrusy and acidic. But hot, it’s really sweet and delicious. The vanilla smoothes the cup a little without being too present, it’s nice and floral, and it doesn’t taste artificial.
One thing that does bug me is that little tiny thread bits of silk free themselves from the bag when you add water. It may be my obsessive tendencies coming out, but I have to brush the bags off before using them because that weirds me out.
A complete surprise with citrus notes that exceed expectation for this bergamot infused black tea. It is a shame that Target discontinued selling its Archer Farm Earl Grey Loose Tea. This was a bargain! It is significantly better than the Twining Earl Grey Tea that it currently sells. In the alternative, I prefer the Upton Earl Grey black varieties.
Makes for a great start to the day
Oooh. This sounds like a promising combination. (This from a tea-fiend who normally avoids flavoured black teas.)
Funny how I’m drinking Golden BREAKFAST at 10:30 pm. I do drink it with breakfast sometimes and it’s always good. I thought it might help tame the outrageous burning of my mouth from my dinner and it did. (Also, if I had a loose leaf mango or peach I would so try the Rex Barrett’s idea above. Alas, I don’t despite the two and a half cupboards full of tea.)
This tea is making my day better. That’s really saying a lot right now. I love the chocolate combined with the berry and just that hint of bergamot. Nom, nom, nom.
Resteep of yesterday’s bags. Picking up more of the bergamot and the berry this time around. Still has a chocolatey taste, and the rooibos is a bit stronger than the black tea on this steep. It reminds me of something I’ve had before, but I can’t figure it out. I’m so, so happy that Meghann M sent me this to try! It’s delicious.
Thanks, Meghann M, for sending some of this my way!
This smells just like chocolate-covered raspberries. Doesn’t taste just like it, but I still like it. I can taste the bergamot, and the black tea, and the rooibos (and if you don’t like rooibos, this isn’t for you). The chocolate isn’t as strong as the smell, but is still there, and the raspberry flavor is more of an aftertaste than anything else (it may come out more if I steep longer). It’s got a lot of flavors going on, but it’s blended in such a way that nothing really overpowers anything else. One of the better Earl Grey-inspired blends that I’ve had. I normally don’t go to Target, but it looks like I’ll be making a trip there…I’ve never been to the tea section of Target before…I see this ending badly.
Would you like the rest of the box of tea? It needs a more welcoming home since I won’t give it another chance.
Really? I’ll happily give it a home! And I meant to ask you, are there any Art of Tea blends you want to try? I can get you a sample set from Cuppa.
It’s yours! A sampler would be wonderful So many of Art of Teas teas look amazing. I’ve been eyeing their herbals since reading reviews of the Kauai Cocktail. The Jasmine Blueberry and French Lemon Ginger sound great too. They have some really unique blends.