Adagio Custom Blends, Amy Zen

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knittingopera Swap Advent Calendar 2024 – Day 5
Theme: A Partridge in a Pear Tea
My pick: Heirloom Bartlett Pear from Harney & Sons

So this… Honestly I pretty much only taste the Earl grey cream part of it. The white tea lightens up the body a bit, but otherwise it’s just bergamot and some creamy vanilla flavor. Maybe a hint of caramel? But certainly not pear.

I think I had the same experience with the tea from Day 1, which also had white pear in it. Clearly I’m just bad at tasting Adagio’s pear flavoring, LOL! Unfortunately, I am not a fan of creamy Earl grey.

Flavors: Artificial, Bergamot, Cream, Custard, Floral, Hay, Smooth, Vanilla

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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I love spearmint and was intrigued by the addition of gunpowder to the blend. I was not disappointed. This is a nicely balanced, and strong, cup of tea!

Flavors: Spearmint

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This whole tea is very muted. If I focus, there is chocolate and there is orange…sorta… but its all just muddled together and one note, which is kind of a shame since it is supposed to represent such an awesome character.

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I tried to make this as an iced tea.
It was a poor choice.
Don’t ever do this thing, guys.
In my head, the orange flavor of this would turn it into an orange-juice-tea. But the chocolate or something in the base strongly objected to the ice process.


Lol… Firefly tea? That’s a thing? Speaking of which, I was considering re-watching it recently, but couldn’t make it through the 2 hour long first episode!

Super Starling!

@Mookit — The show gets really good. The first like 20 minutes of the first episode is really boring, though. It’s them losing an attempted revolution. A part of the show is this giant, overarching totalitarian government that controls everything. They’re outlaws that lost. It’s important backstory, but the battle itself is dull and probably lost a lot of viewers that were like “what am I watching? Ugh.” It probably could’ve been a quick, 1-minute flashback partway through the episode.
Oh, and Adagio has an area of the site where people can make their own mixes. You can save your mixes. They don’t have to be fandom-based, but people seem to be using it for that purpose.

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If you like orange/blood orange, I have THE EXACT THING FOR YOU. Come here. Try this.
The issue with people creating teas online is that they can’t really TRY them. Things can get kind of unbalanced and weird.
That’s what happened here. This is a REALLY ORANGE TEA.
I think that an expert teamaker wouldn’t’ve made it this way.
Then again, the Firefly crew does aim to misbehave, so maybe that’s the idea?
The tea is, overall, very, very orange. Then there’s a chocolate aftertaste on the tongue. And a tiny bit of nut that’s like “hey. I’m here too, for some reason. Sup, guys?”
I don’t regret purchasing this tea. However, I don’t think I’ll purchase it again.

Flavors: Blood Orange, Dark Chocolate, Nutty, Orange, Orange Zest


As a chocolate orange fan and an even bigger Firefly fan, I must order this in my next tea order. It sounds very tasty and I would be excited to try something from one of my favourite fandoms.

Super Starling!

Arby — it also comes in a cute tin. I have no idea what to do with the tin afterward. But I love it.

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I liked this tea because it reminded me A LOT of a Thai iced tea. And it is very, very sweet….practically perfumy. I got this when I was up in college, and again, nerdiness. I can kinda see why Wash got this blend. Thai iced tea is a very tropical drink, one that you would drink while on vacation. Wash is one of the more laid back characters on the show, and he normally wears the same kind of shirts that I saw tourists wear on their vacation in Hawaii.
This is a little bit better iced, and not bad hot. I’m honestly biased to coconut, though, given that I grew up in Hawaii. I probably would have rated it lower now as someone who is starting to prefer purer teas, and like all the other Adagio’s that I’ve had, it depends entirely too much on flavoring. I am glad that I only had a sample, and that I drank it when I did to enjoy it a little bit more. I totally understand why people would be peeved as a fan-and again, not like it because of the rampant syrups.

Flavors: Citrus, Coconut, Lavender, Perfume, Sugar

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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This was one of the first teas from Adagio that I got, and honestly, my geekiness begged me to get this one. River is one of my favorite characters although they did not develop her as fully as some of the others. There were facets of her personality that I could connect with oddly enough, and I admit that I enjoyed the crap out of how she fought the Reavers in Serenity.
Anyway, I got it last year as a sample for while I was up at school. I have had green and black blends before, and they are a hit or miss for me. Blending black and green normally result in a really mellowed out tasting black tea with the crisp green in the back ground, sometimes being too weak, or nicely balanced out. This one I had to be careful with because the black base is a cream Earl Grey, so I made sure to have the exact same amount of green tea, black tea, and rose petals in every cup. It turned out to be one of the nicer green and black blends after all. I am also really glad that distributed the rose petals in the detail that I did, because I would have not otherwise tasted them as a complimentary accent.

With that said, it’s a good tea, but not great. I am glad that I sampled this instead of getting a full tin. The tin for this specific one is also a delight to have, which is also one of the reasons why Adagio is so expensive: it’s for the dang tins. Worth a try, but not something I highly recommend. I honestly couldn’t imagine what the other adagios taste like: thank heavens I was picky and chose the blended ones.

Flavors: Bergamot, Flowers, Malt, Rose

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 7 OZ / 207 ML

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23/28 sipdowns

i feel like there is WAY too much going on in this tea for you to really be able to actually taste all the things going on in this tea. it’s not a terrible tea or anything but when i look at what’s in here, and focus on the taste, it all kind of blends together to make “brown” lol

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22/28 sipdowns

thanks again variaTEA (can you tell i’m finally getting to your sample box this weekend? lol) this one was actually quite pleasant. I’d need to be in the mood for a lapsang as this is a little more smokey than not smokey but it was a nice cup. hints of mint and…something else? made it more interesting than just a boring old lapsang heh

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drank Zoe by Adagio Custom Blends, Amy Zen
15588 tasting notes

21/28 sipdowns

thanks again VariaTEA as these have been fun to try. this might be my favourite of the lot so far, except that there’s a bitterness in this one that i dislike. it also leaves me mouth feeling super dry. heh. BUT all that aside, this is a nice enough chai like sort of tea with just a hint of something sweet running through it. apparently that’s caramel but i am just not finding that..just “sweet” to me.

Cameron B.

Go, go, go! You can do it, Sil! :P

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20/28 sipdowns

this is another from variaTEA and while this one is minty fresh, i’m getting zero hazelnut, if that’s what this is supposed to be. to me this is just a cup of mint tea…with a different smell than normal lol ah well, it’s been a refreshing cup :)

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drank Wash by Adagio Custom Blends, Amy Zen
15588 tasting notes

19/28 sipdowns

VariaTEA sent this one my way. All i can say is that this is not a tea for me lol blerg!


It wasn’t for me either. I wanted to love it though.

Roswell Strange

I didn’t like this one either :( But wanted to so badly because it was Wash… He deserves a better blend. Something weird and fruity to go with his personality; not terribly floral and “fru fru”. He shoulda been like a Pina Colada type tea, heavy on the pineapple :P


Lol Sil I love your notes.


Memily… Well glad they keep someone amused lol

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18/28 sipdowns (home stretch! lol)

VariaTEA sent this one my way and so today i thought it would be fun to go through as many of the Serenity Fandom teas as i could. This one was from earlier today as i’m still working ugh Sadly this one was just a muddling of flavours to me. i didn’t get much in the way of orange or chocolate..just a blend of a vaguely fruity sort of adagio black tea. :( it wasn’t bad but there wasn’t much distinct in here for me

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drank Kaylee by Adagio Custom Blends, Amy Zen
15588 tasting notes

mmm i am quite enjoying this one. strawberry, licorice almost sort of flavour. this is another one from *VariaTEA

ugh work calling… good stuff, enjoy this one yay kaylee!

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drank Inara by Adagio Custom Blends, Amy Zen
15588 tasting notes

thanks for sharing this one with me VariaTEA this one wasn’t as delicious as i thought it would be. the chai like sort of thing sounded really nice. However something about the flavour combination just isn’t jiving for me. at least i got to try it though! thanks VT!

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Sipdown!! (146)

This is a nice chai with hints of caramel but there is maybe a bit too much ginger for my liking. Honestly it is pretty good but I think the rest will be passed on to Cavocorax who will appreciate this more than I will.

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This is much better cold brewed than hot. The mint is still the only flavor I am getting but it is not as harsh as it was in the hot cup. Still, I think I will count this as a Sipdown and pass the rest on to Roswell Strange because even though I enjoy this more, I think she would be more appreciative of this blend than I am.

Roswell Strange

So, just so you know, I do have a growing package of stuff for you with Tamarind Pop and the RiverTea stuff in it but I’m holding off on sending it until after Tre gets back from Regina; that way I can send your Cuppa’T stuff if he picks it up.


No rush. I have a package for you as well. And, I have to package up some teas for others but I have been slacking.

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I noticed both Roswell Strange and Cavocorax rated this an 80 and tbh I feel as though I am having a completely different experience. This is probably my least favorite Firefly tea of the ones I have tried so far. I mean, it is not bad by any means but I am just finding the spearmint to be overpowering for my tastes. There might be a hint of nuttiness in here but it is not present in a pleasant way. Instead, I am finding that the mint and the nut combine and end on an earthy/vegetal note that comes off almost drying as the sip ends. Perhaps I might enjoy this more cold brewed but if not, I will probably just pass the rest along or drop it into my swap box.


Ha. It’s funny how we all taste different things!

Roswell Strange

(If you give up on it, I wouldn’t mind more of it to play around with)


In that case, you will probably see this in the next package I send your way.

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Sipdown (153)

Made the last of this as a latte because the first few ingriedientd screamed chai. Then I noticed lemon and second thought it but it worked out fine. It’s not my favorite tea as I don’t tend to drink a lot of the ingriedients anyways, plus it has aged. What I am getting is a fair bit of cardamom, some lemon, and a dash of cinnamon. There is also something more savory in here. All in all its drinkable but this isn’t a hard goodbye.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 4 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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So my very first sip of this tea tasted like DAVIDs Sugar & Spice tea. It definitely was not what I was expecting at all. As I continue to sip, I am picking up on hints of lemongrass and notes of sweet coconut. I am actually enjoying it despite thinking this would be one I would immediately want to toss into the swap pile. As it is, I don’t think I will be stocking it anytime soon but this is one I will most likely enjoy drinking while I have it.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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Cold Brew Sipdown (141/149)!

Thank you VariaTEA for sending along more of this one for me to enjoy and play with. I was highly interested and amused with it the first time around, and this time I thought I’d try it a different way and see if it still carried the same intrigue.

So cold brewed, I thought this tasting more dominantly of spearmint than hazelnut but both were definitely still present. I still can’t get over that flavour combination; it’s so weird and contrasting and by not working at all, that somehow manages to make it work? That doesn’t make a whole lot of sense, but it’s true. This is like drinking two different teas at the same time.

Also, I really like that this one showcases hazelnut without pairing it with chocolate. I feel like I said that last time I reviewed this, but I want to drive that point home because the two flavours are not mutually exclusive.

Anyway, I drank half of this refreshing blend while getting ready to leave the house, and then the other half on the bus ride to my destination. Where was I going? DAVIDsTEA, of course. But what was significant about this trip other than my planning on picking up the fall teas? I was headed off to a date. A first date.

Basically, it didn’t really go too awesome. It’s not so much that he wasn’t nice and that I didn’t enjoy what we did, but there was zero spark… None.

I’ll elaborate in the next few tasting notes though, since I had a few different teas while we were out.


you never know;)

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Sipdown (148/154)!

So the plan was to drink this while watching Serenity but Tre highly distracted me tonight with conversation and now I’ve long finished the tea before starting the movie! Argh! Plus it’s 1 AM and I have work in the morning. I should have just told him to leave so I could watch it…

Anyway, this was I think the weirdest of all the ones VariaTEA sent me. Like, it was super distinctly Hazelnut and Spearmint. Maybe even perhaps the most distinct Hazelnut flavour I’ve had in any tea. Hazelnut on steroids which was also weird because there was no chocolate flavour and I’ve kinda learned to associate the two. And then Spearmint and Hazelnut apparently DO NOT mesh together not that I really expected them to anyway.

It was very much like drinking two totally different teas, just at the exact same time. Which, I suppose, I was technically doing? Because that’s sorta what the fan blends at Adagio are. And as weird as it sounds this was really good though; just super mind boggling. The really problematic part is that now I want more of it because it was good; just not 3 oz. more. Something like 1 oz. would probably be more than enough. Except that’s not an option.

Bleh. So frustrating.

But thank you VariaTEA. This officially finishes off the Firefly teas you gave me and I think it was the perfect excuse/reason to watch and get into the series. And, while I definitely didn’t like all of the teas I found each of them interesting! And I will get around to watching Serenity eventually, just maybe not tonight…

Flavors: Hazelnut, Spearmint


Haha, great tasting note. I get exactly what you mean by drinking two teas at the same time.

Cameron B.

I know what you mean about the 3 ounce thing. They have a Cowboy Bebop fandom on Adagio but they don’t offer it as a sampler and I certainly don’t want to buy 3 ounces of all of them at $9 a piece! :(


I felt the same, it made no sense to me but I liked this!


I felt the same, it made no sense to me but I liked this!

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sooo i had hopes for this one…i do like blueberry and lemongrass but there is almost too much lemongrass in this one for me to really get behind it. it’s nice..but..just missing the mark a little for me. thanks for sharing variaTEA!


Did you get licorice?! No matter what I did, this tasted like licorice.


haha licorice for me.. that’s weird


Just me then. Weird indeed.

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VariaTEA is awesome and let me try all the firefly blends. i haven’t had a chance to dig most of them out of the box of fun that i have in terms of samples but since today is SIPDOWN DAY! i figured i’d start with this one…because BLERGAMOT blech River is most certainly not full of blerg. says me. because i love river…hell i love them all and this is not her. because i don’t like it lol.

this is just not only blerg like but very floral to me. I appreciate the share a ton though because firefly is awesome. and fan blends are fun!


River kicks butt and leaves the name taking to others. Bergamot kicks butt and doesn’t care about names. I don’t know, sounds like a match to me. lol


haha oh KS…you and i will never agree on blergamot ;)

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