Tea type
Black Rooibos Blend
Black Tea, Blue Cornflowers, Coconut, Lavender, Natural Bergamot Oil, Natural Caramel Flavor, Natural Coconut Flavor, Natural Creme Flavor, Natural Vanilla Flavor, Orange Peels, Rooibos
Citrus, Coconut, Lavender, Perfume, Sugar, Bergamot
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 8 oz / 236 ml

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8 Tasting Notes View all

From Adagio Custom Blends, Amy Zen

A bit of an odd flavour combination, you’ll likely only taste the coconut and bergamot at first. However, the caramel and lavender add a subtle smoothness to this blend, and give it that extra quirky zing. The flavour balances: don’t knock this tea until you try it.

Inspired by Joss Whedon’s Firefly. Art drawn by me.

Created by: Amy Zen

Ingredients: Black tea, rooibos tea, natural coconut flavor, lavender flowers, natural caramel flavor, dried coconut, orange peels, blue cornflowers, natural vanilla flavor, natural bergamot flavor, natural creme flavor

Steeping Instructions: Steep at 212° for 4 minutes.

About Adagio Custom Blends, Amy Zen View company

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8 Tasting Notes

1733 tasting notes

I liked this tea because it reminded me A LOT of a Thai iced tea. And it is very, very sweet….practically perfumy. I got this when I was up in college, and again, nerdiness. I can kinda see why Wash got this blend. Thai iced tea is a very tropical drink, one that you would drink while on vacation. Wash is one of the more laid back characters on the show, and he normally wears the same kind of shirts that I saw tourists wear on their vacation in Hawaii.
This is a little bit better iced, and not bad hot. I’m honestly biased to coconut, though, given that I grew up in Hawaii. I probably would have rated it lower now as someone who is starting to prefer purer teas, and like all the other Adagio’s that I’ve had, it depends entirely too much on flavoring. I am glad that I only had a sample, and that I drank it when I did to enjoy it a little bit more. I totally understand why people would be peeved as a fan-and again, not like it because of the rampant syrups.

Flavors: Citrus, Coconut, Lavender, Perfume, Sugar

185 °F / 85 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML

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15575 tasting notes

19/28 sipdowns

VariaTEA sent this one my way. All i can say is that this is not a tea for me lol blerg!


It wasn’t for me either. I wanted to love it though.

Roswell Strange

I didn’t like this one either :( But wanted to so badly because it was Wash… He deserves a better blend. Something weird and fruity to go with his personality; not terribly floral and “fru fru”. He shoulda been like a Pina Colada type tea, heavy on the pineapple :P


Lol Sil I love your notes.


Memily… Well glad they keep someone amused lol

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16936 tasting notes

Sipdown (162/168)!

Also made this one while Tyrell was over, and I kinda felt like I had to fight through just how terribly bad it was because he was over. Like, for whatever reason I felt like if he saw me just dump it that would have popped some might illusion he has about me being this “Tea Saint”.

But really, this was bad. And that makes me really sad because as I watched Firefly Wash definitely grew on me a lot which is awesome because first few episodes he just seemed so boring to me. But how can this be his blend!? Seriously, what’s the reasoning?

Because I steeped this one up and instantly I was all “Oh, it’s just like a black version of DT’s Jessie’s Tea blend – I suppose I can get on board with that flavour wise even if I don’t think it fits the character”. But no, I can’t get on board with it. It’s like Jessie’s Tea on fucking steroids. Like, I took one sip and it was like I was drowning in overly floral lavender hand lotion.

Worst one I’ve had so far. Wash deserves better.

Flavors: Bergamot, Lavender, Perfume

Christina / BooksandTea

Maybe the blender was trying to make a pun with his name? Like, this is really the kind of tea that should be made into hand soap to “wash” with?


That doesn’t sound like Wash at all. Weird.
I don’t have a sample of this and I’m not sad about it!

I just finished the last 2 episodes of Firefly this morning :(

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6444 tasting notes

Cavocorax was pretty on the ball when she declared this tea “interesting”. However, interesting does not necessarily equal good, nor bad. Just interesting. I was expecting something similar to a Jessie’s Tea given the rooibos, coconut, lavender combination but there is more to this than that. Luckily I am not picking up on the blerg but there is a thickness to one of the components that I am just not loving. I think it is actually the coconut in the blend that is producing a lotion-eqsue quality. Also, the lavender is strong and a little spicy at the end of every sip which is not for me. Ultimately, I find myself wanting to love this as I love the character who inspired this tea but alas it is disappointing. Perhaps it might be better as a cold brew? I will have to try that out…

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1598 tasting notes

And… onto my third Firefly tea, courtesy of VariaTEA! Thanks. :D

This is an interesting tea. Wow. So strange.
It’s rooibos, and coconut. Lavender! And just a little bit of bergamot to make Sil and others cringe. I guess there’s black tea somewhere in there but I can’t really taste it under all those crazy flavours.

Again, this one seems to be a nice match for the character it was named for. I don’t think I’d want too much of it though.



You’re welcome :). Hope you are enjoying them, even the weird ones :P


Oh I definitely am! :D It’s neat seeing how some ppl represent characters that I really enjoy!

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