Tea type
Black Tea
Assam Melody, Black Tea, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Cloves, Dried Coconut, Freeze Dried Raspberries, Ginger, Lemongrass, Natural Coconut Flavor, Natural Spice Flavor, Orange Peels, Rose Hips, Safflower
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 0 sec 16 oz / 473 ml

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6 Tasting Notes View all

  • “thanks for sharing this one with me VariaTEA this one wasn’t as delicious as i thought it would be. the chai like sort of thing sounded really nice. However something about the flavour...” Read full tasting note
  • “So my very first sip of this tea tasted like DAVIDs Sugar & Spice tea. It definitely was not what I was expecting at all. As I continue to sip, I am picking up on hints of lemongrass and notes...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sample sipdown! I, uh, I really really hated this. I don’t know if it’s because I’m not a huge fan of spicy teas, but if this is an example of chai then maybe I’m just not a chai fan. It rubbed ...” Read full tasting note
  • “Sipdown (172/178)! So I pretty much got the whole Firefly sampler from VariaTEA only I had never seen Firefly and felt kinda guilty drinking the teas with no point of reference to the characters,...” Read full tasting note

From Adagio Custom Blends, Amy Zen

Regal and steeped in tradition, this exotic blend is spicy and invigorating. Assam, thai chai, and oriental spice.

Inspired by Joss Whedon’s Firefly.

Created by: Amy Zen

Ingredients: black tea, assam melody, cinnamon bark, ginger root, cardamom pods, natural spice flavor, dried coconut, lemon grass, orange peels, cloves, natural coconut flavor, rose hips, safflower & freeze dried raspberry

Steeping Instructions: Steep at 212° for 3 minutes.

About Adagio Custom Blends, Amy Zen View company

Company description not available.

6 Tasting Notes

15565 tasting notes

thanks for sharing this one with me VariaTEA this one wasn’t as delicious as i thought it would be. the chai like sort of thing sounded really nice. However something about the flavour combination just isn’t jiving for me. at least i got to try it though! thanks VT!

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6444 tasting notes

So my very first sip of this tea tasted like DAVIDs Sugar & Spice tea. It definitely was not what I was expecting at all. As I continue to sip, I am picking up on hints of lemongrass and notes of sweet coconut. I am actually enjoying it despite thinking this would be one I would immediately want to toss into the swap pile. As it is, I don’t think I will be stocking it anytime soon but this is one I will most likely enjoy drinking while I have it.

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec

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652 tasting notes

Sample sipdown!

I, uh, I really really hated this.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m not a huge fan of spicy teas, but if this is an example of chai then maybe I’m just not a chai fan.

It rubbed me the wrong way big time.
I found drinking it felt like someone just took a bunch of random spicy things and threw them all together and called it a tea.

“Exotic” is one word for it. I get what they were going for as far as the character of Inara but blehhhhh.

I agree with RoswellStrange that it certainly LOOKED pretty. That’s about the only nice thing I can say.

It also got super bitter and gross, just like the last one I tried. I may be learning I’m not a big Adagio fan, good thing I didn’t order from them!

Thanks for sending this my way, Cavocorax! (No, really, it’s appreciated! :))


Hah. At least you know what not to buy!
I can’t believe how much everyone else hated it and how I gave it a 90! Maybe it’s because I like the coconut/lemongrass in the thai chai? Oh well.

Roswell Strange

I didn’t get the Coconut at all, though… Everything else drowned it out too much. And I guess my being really neutral towards lemongrass may not have helped?

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16936 tasting notes

Sipdown (172/178)!

So I pretty much got the whole Firefly sampler from VariaTEA only I had never seen Firefly and felt kinda guilty drinking the teas with no point of reference to the characters, so I’ve begun watching the show (I’m on episode three right now as I write this) and will be trying to drink the teas alongside watching the episodes.

Of the teas, this is the one that I thought smelled the best/most intriguing when I opened VariaTEA’s package – and I’m really like Inara’s character so far (I’m hoping the background between her and Mal is explored more because there’s definitely a weird and highly intriguing dynamic between the two) so I started with this!

I paired the tea with cinnamon waffles with homemade raspberry syrup and I thought the two paired pretty nicely! But the tea on its own was a bit less than stellar to me. The big thing was that I felt I was drowning in ginger. Oh God, why all the ginger!? Other than that I guess it wasn’t so bad for a chai. I didn’t taste the coconut much at all, and that’s the one ingredient in there that could have really been redeeming to me.

I feel like I don’t know Inara well enough yet to attest to whether the flavours are accurate to her character, but one thing is certain; aesthetically this tea is beautiful! The colours in the leaf just pop so much and seem so exotic and compelling. I think that maybe that is at least accurate to Inara as a companion? But of course I’m learning very quickly that she’s much more than a pretty face.

Flavors: Ginger


“only I had never seen Firefly and felt kinda guilty drinking the teas with no point of reference to the characters, so I’ve begun watching the show”

Hahaha, well played, VariaTEA, well played.


yes… more firefly for everyone! I named my daughter after Kaylee so I’m in total support for this. :D



I’m watching episode one as I type! For the same reason, haha.
So far I’m like “OMG! It’s a younger, handsomer Crowley making a brief appearance! And Jack’s wife from Hannibal! And Brody’s wife from Homeland!”



….and CASTLE!


Well I’ve been a fan of Nathan Fillion for awhile anyway :)
My fave is the movie “Slither”
And Dr. Horrible

I’ve never seen Castle though!

Roswell Strange

I freaked out over Crowley too! I’ve enjoyed everything I’ve seen Nathan Fillion in (Dr. Horrible, Castle, the last season of BTVS) so I’m on bored with that. The biggest surprise for me was seeing Adam Baldwin who played my favourite character, Casey, on Chuck.

carol who

LOVE Firefly and Serenity! What a great cast! They worked so well together. How could that series have been so short!!
I’ve never heard of Doctor Horrible or Slither. Guess I’ll have to check them out.


1. Firefly is the best show ever. I adore it so much. I will geek at you super hard if you let me.
2. Inara omg omgomgomgomgomgomg SHES GORGEOUS and I love her character.
3. The tea sounds lovely. I would try the Serenity teas if I wasn’t so lame and broke haha
4. Browncoats UNITE! :D

Roswell Strange

Ha, feel free to at me all you want Arshness! Trust me, I feel like the worst Whedon fan for waiting so long to see this. BFTV is my favourite TV show (ever), and I’ve seen Angel and Dollhouse and most of his other works; honestly the only reason I put off watching this was not because I didn’t think I’d like it but because I thought I would – and I don’t liking falling in loves with series that are so short!


Have you seen Dr. Horrible’s Sing-A-Long Blog????

Roswell Strange

**geek at me

Roswell Strange

Not recently, but yes :)


Eee gooooooooood. Good. Good. Whedon’s second best thing ever imo.
And he honestly did amazing with The Avengers. I loved it.
He’s a great, great director. :)

Firefly is just the most magic show with the most magic cast and it was SAD that it didn’t get a full run. Did you know there’s a bunch of comics that continue the story, and they’ve just rebooted the comic series to continue it further?? Darkhorse picked it up. :) So if you want more, there’s at least a way to get some more info.

I actually have the Firefly RPG system and have been running a game set in an ‘inspired by Firefly" universe haha :) My friends all love Firefly too so it’s a thing we enjoy.

I think my favorite character is Mal, but every time I say that, I end up going “… and… Inara. And… and… River. And…” etc XD

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1598 tasting notes

Oh! I like this one too! It’s a nice black assam, with chai AND lemongrass/coconut. It’s a really interesting combination and I really, really like it. I think this is one of the ones I’ll think about long after it’s gone and want more.

Also, I’m not done yet, but overall I’ve been very impressed with the Firefly teas. The blender has obviously put some thought into each one, and they all taste at least decent with a few standing out. That’s really something! I hope whatshesaid enjoys them as well!

Yeah. This is going on my list, unless it turns terrible once it cools.
Thanks VariaTEA! (202)


once i try them via variaTEA, we can likely place an order if i love them too..


Excellent. I am ready for an order anytime – I just need to shut my eyes and not think too hard about the $100 I have in teas on my wishlist…

But! Even though they’re not Butiki level or anything like that, I do find I drink them often enough that I can justify it. Gotta have srsbsns tea and utterlyridic tea for tumblr times!


I hope you like them though. I a off to look up Amy Zen on Adagio because I was so impressed with how these are blended. If she has fandom teas for other things I’m into, I may be in big trouble… (please have a Destiel tea!!!)


She has a Hannibal tea!

:| This eventual Adagio order is going to be insane. It’ll be my birthday treat to myself so I’ll just close my eyes and push the button! Hahaha. But I want to make sure that you, VariaTEA and Keychange all have the chance to join in if you so choose since it’s so difficult to order from them… (and I shouldn’t support their shitty shipping policies, but they know I’ll a) pay or b) get around it, and it’s true. I’m basically waiting a thumbsup!


Woohoo! I’m pumped :)


Cavo – depending on the order, we could likely send it through Sharon…though i know you like having things come to your door lol

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