Yet another installment of “Cody v. The Morning.” Despite having been capable of making my own breakfast since I was a pre-teen, I could hardly manage eggs and toast this morning without dropping a carton of eggs on the floor and burning… pretty much everything. Fortunately, The Cap’n was there to soften the blow.

I love this tea. As much as I dig the limited-edition style of A&D’s tea… it’s kind of bittersweet to realize I have a finite amount of this in my future.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec
Michelle Butler Hallett

I hear that. My tin of the Captain is long gone. Sigh. Bittersweet indeed.


I’ve been forcing myself not to drink all my A&D teas, in order to make them last.

Michelle Butler Hallett

I’ve done the opposite and binged happily. I’ve hoarded tea in the past … then forgotten (!) about it … then found it again, staling … never again.


The only form of willpower I possess is savoring food. I always save the best for last in boxes of candy and the like. And God help you if you mess with my system, lol.

Michelle Butler Hallett

I wouldn’t dare mess with anyone else’s tea. :)

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Michelle Butler Hallett

I hear that. My tin of the Captain is long gone. Sigh. Bittersweet indeed.


I’ve been forcing myself not to drink all my A&D teas, in order to make them last.

Michelle Butler Hallett

I’ve done the opposite and binged happily. I’ve hoarded tea in the past … then forgotten (!) about it … then found it again, staling … never again.


The only form of willpower I possess is savoring food. I always save the best for last in boxes of candy and the like. And God help you if you mess with my system, lol.

Michelle Butler Hallett

I wouldn’t dare mess with anyone else’s tea. :)

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