This is my first oolong, and I wasn’t sure what to expect. It’s very mellow. Soft and sweet. I’m getting just a bit of the fruity flavor, and the flavor of the tea is fairly delicate.

That being said, I don’t know that I paid as much attention as I should have to the steeping, as I was dealing with the fact that I just found out the doughnut I had been looking forward to eating had been… nibbled. Darn cat.

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec
Show 1 previous comments...
TeaEqualsBliss 14 years ago

Oolongs are FUN! :)

wombatgirl 14 years ago

Oolongs can be a hoot. Just wait til you get to the small rolled ones – you’ll put a teaspoon of leaf in and then come back to a cup full of leaves! I love how creamy they can get. This one may not have it, but others will.. a silky smooth feeling in your mouth. yum.

codylynnclark 14 years ago

Ok, now you guys have me excited. I got this a few others free with my 100pts at Adagio on a whim… Now I want to experiment with some good oolongs.

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TeaEqualsBliss 14 years ago

Oolongs are FUN! :)

wombatgirl 14 years ago

Oolongs can be a hoot. Just wait til you get to the small rolled ones – you’ll put a teaspoon of leaf in and then come back to a cup full of leaves! I love how creamy they can get. This one may not have it, but others will.. a silky smooth feeling in your mouth. yum.

codylynnclark 14 years ago

Ok, now you guys have me excited. I got this a few others free with my 100pts at Adagio on a whim… Now I want to experiment with some good oolongs.

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