So I decided to open up the Golden Moon Tea Sampler today. The first one I tried is this one. The leaves do not have a strong aroma, but I also do not have a lot of tea to smell here.
I steeped it hot for four minutes. I tried it with and without sugar, but really found very little difference between the two. The tea is very simple. It is a complex white tea in that it makes a pale liquor, with delicate veggie fragrance but a strong white tea flavor. The ginger is mostly lost in brewing, but you do find it as an undertone note in the tea. Which is good, because overpowering ginger would not be enjoyable.
Overall, I found this tea to be very enjoyable. I would definitely buy a tin of this.
This is the tea that got me really interested in Golden Moon, but unfortunately my local tea shop doesn’t carry it. I’m getting the sampler as soon as I have cupboard room. I love ginger:)