For the most part, I like tea one way. It has to be hot, it should be slightly sweetened, but not too much, and milk is not necessary, it depends solely on the other flavors involved.
That being said, the leaves for this one smell very good, coconut and spice. The brewed tea smells similar, faint coconut and spice. The flavor, when fresh brewed, is slight sweet coconut with a hint of lemon grass and spice to meld the chai with Thai flavors. This I must say (slightly sweetened) is delicious. As it cools however, the spices become overpowering and the once sweet coconut flavor, is lost, leaving plain chai. This goes the same for the second steep, all the coconut and lemon grass flavors are gone and you are drinking chai.
So, I have learned a valuable lesson about my personal taste in chai: I do not like chai cooled or cold, I feel the heat dulls the spices and heightens the flavors added to the tea, in this case the coconut, either I need to buy a warmer to keep my pot constantly temperate, or I need to drink it really fast so as to not let it cool. For now, the latter will suffice.