Bad days are good for tea. Or is it tea is good for bad days. Either way, I knew I’d be having a few cups more than my usual single late evening cup so I went for a rooibos. I steeped this one with less time and less tea than usual. It’s lighter but not by much.
I noticed again that my choice in non-caffeinated teas is limited. But I still have so many tea odds and ends to drink before I order more tea. I have plenty of blacks and greens, which is what I mostly drink. But I’ll need to beef up on rooibos/herbals, whites, and oolongs, both of which I am new to. More tea is in my future. Or rather, new teas are in my future, I should say.
Say bad days are good for tea, cuz then they can at least be good for something!:)
Indeed! All days are good for tea in my book. My morning was quite good actually. The day just turned sharply south mid-afternoon and never managed to make a complete recover. Hence, I am wiped out. Tea is good for wiped out too. Or rather, wiped out is good for tea. =)