Followed by 15 Tea Drinkers

graceatblb 123 followers

Book blogger. Hockey fan. Reformed coffee drinker. Newly minted tea addict. I...

Bluechai 110 followers

Bluechai is organic blue tea made from fresh butterfly pea flowers. Its rich,...

Liquid Proust 642 followers

Tea Enthusiast / Tea Drunk . . To...

Kevin 2 followers


John Hou 38 followers

A tea seller from China. A FQA of our price and authenticity. (Others are on...



Manager, salesman, physicist, geek, father extraordinaire.

I’ve been drinking tea for quite a few years now. My favourite teas include black teas from Ceylon, Assam, Taiwan, as well as any aged teas including Pu-erhs.

96 – 100: If I would be stuck drinking the same tea for the rest of my life, this would be it!
81 – 95: Highly recommended! Among the best I’ve ever tasted!
61 – 80: Recommended. Not the best in its kind, but definitely worth a try.
41 – 60: Neutral. Not bad, but I probably won’t buy anymore.
21 – 40: I get that this is tea, but I don’t like it and wouldn’t recommend it.
01 – 20: Foul drink. Quick! Something else to wash down that awful taste.



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