50 Tasting Notes


Black tea bag. Smoky plum flavor, surprisingly low in astringency, no bitterness. Light in aroma and flavor but I’m not mad at these tea bags.

sold for $4.49/48 Bags


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A fruity black tea. Dry leaves smells like sweet potato. The tea has a playdough-like scent, floral, fairly tart with a liquorice flavor. Not terrible for the price.

edit: The tea got significantly better after weeks of opening it, the playdough smell went away and the malty, flowery flavors started to show up. Changing the score from 83 to 88.

sold for $9.60/4oz


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A floral green tea. It does taste like flower but the green tea base is astringent to the point of being soapy. I would like to see if a black tea version of this would work better.

sold for $15.80/3.5oz


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A floral, fruity tea. I don’t know if I got a bad batch, but I couldn’t tell this was supposed to be passionfruit and definitely couldn’t tell the jasmine was there until much later. The mix of black and green tea sort of mimic a oolong tea flavor but not really. The tea doesn’t taste bad, but I really don’t think this taste like its namesake.

sold for $11/4 pouches


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To me this tastes almost identical to their Paris tea. I never did a taste comparison but I will not be able to tell this is Tower of London or Paris if I did a blind tasting. Very fruity, but not earl grey like.

sold for $10.50/4oz


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A very sweet spiced tea. Like, it tastes like sugar was added to the tea kind of sweet. Most prominent flavor definitely is the cinnamon and the sweet cloves. Potent.

sold for $15/7oz


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drank Paris by Harney & Sons
50 tasting notes

A fruity flavored black tea. I find it weird the website describe this as earl grey like, the bergamot is not the most prominent flavor that comes out from this tea, vanilla and caramel aren’t obvious to me either. However I think most people would still love this. It is pleasant.

sold for $16/7oz


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A sweet oolong with toasty, sugary, whiskey notes. Light bodied, no bitterness or astringency.

sold for $29.99/100g


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A great oolong with honey, Muscat wine, and longan flavor. Very aromatic and sweet.

sold for $34.99/100g


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A good black tea with milk chocolate, baked sweet potato, and fruit flavor. No astringency or bitterness.

sold for $9.99/100g


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