drank Earl Grey by Tazo
51 tasting notes

Earl grey tea bags. Not the Regenerative Organic Earl Grey by Tazo. I wrote a review for that before.


This one just made me go ??? The dry tea bag smelled exactly like the Regenerative Organic Earl Grey but the taste is completely off. First sip tasted like tap water and the tea only got more chlorine later. After it cooled down the chlorine transformed into astringentcy. Like excuse me? How do two products that look so similar taste so different? I actually made a cup of Regenerative Organic at the same time to compare them and the organic one didn’t have that weird taste.

I don’t think major supermarkets are still selling this and thank goodness. First time I give out an F score on Steepster. Maybe there were some storing issue?

sold for $4.29/20 bags


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