Following 65 Tea Drinkers

Cory Ostermann 30 followers

I’m a student artist and unruly feminist, having recently moved to Baltimore ...

LissaMarie 234 followers

Hi! i’m melissa, and I’m a tea enthusiast , artist,photographer,crocheter, ou...

JonTea 89 followers

If you are a Tea Company, send me samples and I will review your tea on stee...

Janefan 335 followers

Hiding under a warm blanket until Spring. Just bring me hot tea and dark choc...

Jason 623 followers

UPDATE: As of 2020, we have sold Steepster to Adagio Teas. Going forward, we ...

zeitfliesst 49 followers

Ratings: 1~10: Could not take any more than a few sips. 11~30: Could finish t...

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA 505 followers

I’m 33 years old, studying pharmacy, and have a surly cat named Bin. I love t...

TeaParT 91 followers

RachanaC (Rachel)-iHeartTeas 385 followers

Hi, my name is Rachana Rachel Carter. I am a long time tea addict, a bit of a...

Sanctuary T 131 followers

Sanctuary T Shop is the online expression of New York City’s unique tea-resta...



Tea has always been a part of my life. A cup of tea was always the solution to middle school tears and high school early mornings.

When I was in college I started quite the little tea collection in my tiny kitchen cabinets.

I have definitely scaled back my tea ordering and tasting the past 2 years or so, but I am getting back into it.

Outside of tea my interests include reading, photography, too much tv, visiting new places, trying new restaurants and playing video games with my husband.




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