392 Tasting Notes
I got to go to Trader Joe’s for the first time on Saturday and I picked up a bottle of this iced tea. It is really delicious. It has a nice blueberry flavor upfront with a grassy green tea finish. I really like home much you can taste the blueberry in this tea, but it isn’t sour at all. I am pretty sure that is due to the lack of hibiscus in this tea which I am grateful for. Quite a yummy bottled iced tea!
Found a sample of this at home. I really like this tea, but I don’t think I like it enough to purchase it. It has a nice balance of peach and ginger and tea. I hope I find some more lost samples of it soon!
Made some of this iced earlier. It was very yummy and bold. Does anyone know why it turns cloudy when iced?
Caitlin: One reason why teas become cloudy when iced is a drastic temperature change from hot to cold. I find that when I pour hot tea over ice it gets cloudy, or even if I add ice water to concentrated hot tea it gets cloudy. So instead I wait until the tea drops to room temperature before I chill it. This takes a little longer but it usually results in cloud-free tea.
There may be other reasons that I’m unaware of as to why teas become cloudy, or why this one in particular becomes cloudy, though.
Thanks for the info. I did the drastic temperature change thing, so that is probably why. I’ll remember to let it sit at room temperature!
I am bummed I just placed an order with Lupicia and they were out of stock on all of their Au Lait varieties. I hope they bring them back soon.
Yum! Just tried this and its awesome!! It is creamy and tropical and delicious! It also has a wonderful green tea flavor. This tea is seriously amazing. I ended up doing two infusions and they were both so yummy!
Also I swear the pineapple in this tea rivals the giant blueberries in the cream cheese danish blueberry tea. They are seriously gigantic! I haven’t tried the honeybush version but if it tastes anything like this one I bet it is amazing too!!
Made a lovely latte out of this last night! It was wonderful!!! Here is my recipe: http://apurpledress.wordpress.com/2011/03/22/chocolate-hazelnut-latte/
Got this on the way to class. Tea was much needed to combat the disgusting weather NJ is having today. Ick!
WI too! I’ve heard everything from under an inch to 3 inches to 14-16 (this person needs to be slapped, really) of snow and a icky ice/rain mix.
I love when everyone disagrees on the amount of snow – so annoying! And you we are supposed to get snow in NJ now too – winter needs to end!
Best thing on FB said about our weather… “Spring got too hung over from its arrival party and THIS is what happened.”
I won this is a SororiTEA Sisters Contest awhile ago and somehow forgot to try it out. I decided tonight would be a good night to do so! It was quite delicious. I was in an Earl Grey mood tonight so it really hit the spot.
I really like Lupicia’s teas, I don’t know if I have tried one yet that I didn’t like. This one had good flavor, but without being overly flavored. It wasn’t highly perfumed which I appreciated. I don’t think I will purchase more of this tea, but I will definitely enjoy the rest of my sample!
I took some pictures of my cup of tea if you want to check them out: http://apurpledress.wordpress.com/2011/03/19/an-earl-grey-kind-of-evening/