Holy Crud! How did I get up to 320+ teas?!?!?!
So I guess someone on our international flight decided to be super sweet and share their cold/flu because my poor hubby has been sick as a dog for the last two days which could be managed with sleep, recouperation and chicken soup except he’s got this insane work thing going on at the moment and he’s walked back into 12 hour days onto of evening networking events… So I’m making him this tea with honey every chance I get which is really helping his scratchy throat and cough a bunch… I never would of thought to mix this with honey but it actually adds a nice touch of sweetness to the delicious toasty popcorn flavor… A favorite of mine and glad it’s helping the hubby cope with evil illness
Still getting over a horrific cold/flu myself and did some Genmaicha as well. Very soothing for sure. The honey is a brilliant idea – Sounds delicious!