Cooking TTB #4
Out of all of the winter/christmas releases this year from David’s this is the one I was most interested to try however after suffering from a serious BF spending hemorrhage and an overflowing tea hoard I couldn’t justify a $50 order with David’s to hit free shipping and so I had to console myself with the likely fact that I wouldn’t get to try this and was therefore very happy when I found this sample hiding at the bottom of the Cooking TTB!!
Brewed up at 195 and steeped for 5 minutes I really must admit I’m not getting a real baklava taste out of this tea, there doesn’t appear to be a syrupy nutty pastry taste which I usually associate with baklava but holy cow is there cinnamon and apple!! Tasty and very glad I had the opportunity to try it out but I’m also glad I didn’t break the bank on a sneaky purchase of this myself. Back to the box it goes!!