I’ve sipped this tea a couple of times now and have been happy with it but not blown away, most likely because although I get the blueberry I really dont taste any cream cheese danish which is what really intrigued me. Overall its been a pretty blah tea for me…. until now…. So for christmas, I was spoiled, and when I say spoiled, I mean big time!! Hubby bought me a Breville one touch tea maker!!!! No longer do I have to guestimate my water temperature or brewing times and suddenly (seriously) tea tastes sooooo much better!!!! Finally I’m getting some cream cheese and major buttery pastry notes out of this tea which makes me deliriously happy!!! Unfortunately its such a touchy tea that you really do have to baby the steeping parameters… if its not perfect, all you’ll get is overwhelming blueberry which drops my overall rating.
I remember this one was better at 185 degrees. :)
ooo I’ll have to try it that little bit cooler and see if that brings out the flavors more… thanks Tealizzy!!