Another commenter describes this as sour wood, which is actually fairy accurate. If I didn’t know better, I might think this had puerh in it based on the look and the woody & Earthy flavour (also the tea is quite dark and doesn’t look like a black or green tea). Based on the taste, I’m going to guess this is a roasted stemy green? It tastes very woody and a bit roasted like a houjicha or kukicha.
It is very green, though. Nutty (think oven-roasted soy beans), flavours of dry twigs and vegetation (vegetal), dark toasted barley. A little bit sweet, but no pear/fruity flavour.
It doesn’t suit its name at all, which is why I dislike it at first. I was expecting a bright, fruity black or green tea. The Earthy and woody flavours that dominate the flavour profile were unexpected. Now that I know what to expect, I can enjoy it for what it is.Flavors: Dark Wood, Nutty, Roasted, Roasted Barley, Soybean, Stems, Sweet, Toasted, Vegetal, Wood
That’s a good approach, not holding onto the name of the tea. I’m so bad at that, though.