Following 56 Tea Drinkers

kevdog19 35 followers

I like sheng cha. It’s good. I’m not.

Alexander 34 followers

Puhead and teaware-lover.

teapals 11 followers


Yannoko 16 followers

Michael 12 followers

Adagio Teas co-founder.

Leafhopper 102 followers

Since I discovered Teavana’s Monkey Picked Oolong four years ago, I’ve been f...



I like all teas but mostly drink sheng and Taiwan oolong.

My tea notes are just thoughts that come to mind as I drink, so I jot them down. There’s no format to them, just what I want to remember from the experience.

Oh, and why isn’t there a “bacon” flavor option on steepster?


Fairfax, VA

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