wow, I haven’t had this tea in a while. I couldn’t get it out of the bamboo tube and ended up pounding it on the counter, which was actually quite therapeutic.

I have decided I hate my local post office. I made an inquiry with the USPS 1-800 number about my lost package from Yunnan Sourcing. The post office claimed they called me and they closed the case but I never got a call! Even worse they don’t answer the phone. I can see I will need to find some kind of a mail service if I want to have any tea packages delivered in the future. It’s just so stressful and annoying to have to deal with this.

Anyway about the tea… my first notes on this were that I thought it was mellow and earthy but today it seems more assertive, smoky and bitter than I remember. It should be mellowing out more over time, I would think? Of course it could be I have just used more tea in my pot than the last time I tried it. I did break off a pretty big hunk and am keeping my steeps very short.

I must say this is a very energizing sheng, it’s uplifting and perking me right up!

200 °F / 93 °C 0 min, 15 sec
Show 5 previous comments...
Fjellrev 10 years ago

Yikes, I’m so sorry about your package. :( So does that mean that you have to just suck it up and accept the loss because they won’t go about trying to track it down anymore? Will Yunnan Sourcing send a replacement package?

TeaBrat 10 years ago

I may go down there in person to see if I can get an answer from the post office but it appears they are not going to do anything. I am getting a replacement package, hopefully I get it SOMEDAY!

Fjellrev 10 years ago

That’s scary how they give up like that, but I’m glad to hear you’re getting a replacement package. Fingers crossed it will actually grace you with its presence!

mrmopar 10 years ago

Hope you get the second in. I would raise a little h—l at the Post Office after all no disrespect to any of them we do pay their salaries and should be able to get a valid answer about any issues.

AllanK 10 years ago

In order to get the tea out of the bamboo tube take a heavy duty chefs knife to the top of the bamboo tube, about 1/6 of the way in. Once you do this put enough pressure on the tube to finish breaking it and it will open right up. I think puerhshop has this technique on their page somewhere, don’t know where though.

TeaBrat 10 years ago

mrmopar – I will go down and talk to them soon. By the way that post office gets bad reviews on Yelp! Other people have also complained that they never answer the phone and lose packages. It seems like an epidemic problem!

boychik 10 years ago

I ordered boots for my daughter before Christmas. I truly believe they delivered to a diff place. I couldn’t find any answers at my local PO . I was nice and then I was mad. Nothing helped. I called the company and they sent replacement overnight by UPS. UPS did it right as usual. I feel bad for the company to replace it though. It’s not their fault

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Fjellrev 10 years ago

Yikes, I’m so sorry about your package. :( So does that mean that you have to just suck it up and accept the loss because they won’t go about trying to track it down anymore? Will Yunnan Sourcing send a replacement package?

TeaBrat 10 years ago

I may go down there in person to see if I can get an answer from the post office but it appears they are not going to do anything. I am getting a replacement package, hopefully I get it SOMEDAY!

Fjellrev 10 years ago

That’s scary how they give up like that, but I’m glad to hear you’re getting a replacement package. Fingers crossed it will actually grace you with its presence!

mrmopar 10 years ago

Hope you get the second in. I would raise a little h—l at the Post Office after all no disrespect to any of them we do pay their salaries and should be able to get a valid answer about any issues.

AllanK 10 years ago

In order to get the tea out of the bamboo tube take a heavy duty chefs knife to the top of the bamboo tube, about 1/6 of the way in. Once you do this put enough pressure on the tube to finish breaking it and it will open right up. I think puerhshop has this technique on their page somewhere, don’t know where though.

TeaBrat 10 years ago

mrmopar – I will go down and talk to them soon. By the way that post office gets bad reviews on Yelp! Other people have also complained that they never answer the phone and lose packages. It seems like an epidemic problem!

boychik 10 years ago

I ordered boots for my daughter before Christmas. I truly believe they delivered to a diff place. I couldn’t find any answers at my local PO . I was nice and then I was mad. Nothing helped. I called the company and they sent replacement overnight by UPS. UPS did it right as usual. I feel bad for the company to replace it though. It’s not their fault

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My profile pic is of a pink dahlia at Golden Gate Park.

Hobbies include: tea, making art, animals, vegan things, buddhism, nature, creativity, books, writing, cooking, meditation, yoga.

I am a fan of many different teas but my favorites are blacks and oolongs, chai, also like darjeeling and pu-erh. I’n always learning and expanding my horizons!

Dislikes include: bergamot, jasmine, highly tannic or bitter teas, overly judgmental and bitter people. :)

Live in San Francisco, I’m a SINK (single income, no kids) and love the urban life, but traveling out to the middle of nowhere is always fun too.

I tend to not drink things I know I will hate so a lot of my tea ratings are on the higher side. Here’s my rating system, sorta

95-100 I love this tea and would like to keep it around

94-90 An excellent tea which I may or may not repurchase

89-80 Pretty good, above average

79-70 Acceptable

69-60 Mundane – Will probably drink it if I have it

59-50 Ick

49 and below Nasty


San Frandisco



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