Forgive me, tea father. It has been three months since my last tea-logging.
I’ve never been a chamomile fan. Medicinal, acidic, jarring, and the bane of Peter Rabbit’s existence: these are not positive recommendations. In my childhood, before having my very first cup of chamomile tea, I clearly remember thinking, “Gee whillikers, chamomile must be swell! It’s the tea that Beatrix Potter built! Golly!” Clearly, I had the brain of Leave it to Beaver. (That explains a lot, particularly since I was an 80s child.) Imagine my youthful dismay, then, when I found that instead of the warm, honeyed confection I’d assumed chamomile tea to be, chamomile went down like a cupful of battery acid left out in a meadow. In the rain. With a cake. After this negative experience, of course, I thought I’d never have that recipe again.
Imagine my shock and awe, then, when I stumbled upon Adagio’s Cha Cha blend of chamomile, peppermint, and lemon grass. It came as a free sample, and so it was with trepidation that I tried it out tonight — but ah, the wily tiki tea gods had a lovely surprise in store! Light, mellow, minty, chartreuse in color, and with just the right touch of herbaceousness … this is what chamomile should have been all those many gee-Wally years ago. The peppermint and lemon grass are in great balance here, virtually obliterating any overt bitterness of the chamomile. I put a little sweetener in it, too, as is my addictive wont, which seems to make the flavors “brighter.”
Now, let’s see if this dusty ol’ tealog can still hack it at the ol’ tea-haiku game:
What luck! This chamo
blend makes sweet, delicate fare!
When I first tried chamomile it was in a similar blend with mint and lemon. I loved the tea so much I figured I just had to have chamomile plain. Agh… mistake. Chamomile is best blended with other herbs, especially mint.
When I first tried chamomile it was in a similar blend with mint and lemon. I loved the tea so much I figured I just had to have chamomile plain. Agh… mistake. Chamomile is best blended with other herbs, especially mint.
Indeed. I wish Peter Rabbit had included some advice to this effect, as it would have saved us all a lot of childhood jading.