I received this tea in the weekly Twitter contest. I really wanted to love this tea. Sadly, I can’t say that I do. The first time around I didn’t get much flavor out of it, honestly. It was pale in color and very light in flavor. I let it steep for a good 7-8 mins. I used just under boiling water. I couldn’t taste much of anything, accept a slight crispness.
Second go around this morning, same 3 horns. Hotter water, at just boiling, steeped for about 8 minutes. There is definitely more flavor this time around. It is crisp and somewhat peachy, I can kind of get that champagne-like flavor as well, but I’m finding it bland and a little, well, funky and not fresh. I do like peach, and I do like champagne, but for some reason, this tea is just not doing it for me. Perhaps I will send it on to someone else. :)
Just so you guys know the sample has now been spoken for. :)
I use 6 horns minimum