Another one from the backlogs. The main reason I delayed writing about it so long is that I found it rather confusing… In the first session it was sweet and slightly citric, with good kuwei, overwhelming huigan, and a wonderfully calm and relaxing qi. Second session I could barely detect any flavor and the qi was very light as well. By the time I got to the last session, I had 7g leaf left and decided to use it all at once. The citric notes and bitterness came back, but with an almost metallic tinge to them this time. Happily, the qi was back to its original calming, sedating self. I’d like to try this tea again, but especially with the way the price has risen I don’t particularly want to gamble on a full cake. It was very interesting, but the middle brews of the sample were underwhelming and the metallic taste was a little difficult to appreciate. I honestly have no clue if I’d recommend it to anyone.
5g leaf, boiling water, 100ml white2tea ruyao gaiwan. Last steeping used 7g.

Flavors: Citrus, Honey, Metallic

jschergen 10 years ago

I didn’t like this tea. Gorgeous materials but I had a hard time getting anything out of it.

Z_LAMP 10 years ago

Yeah, it’s frustrating. It was honestly pretty interesting and enjoyable with extra leaf, but again, I’d want consistency and less funky metallic taste before I went any further. Hobbes liked one of their other teas (xin ban zhang), but all their stuff had almost doubled in price on YS by the time I made an order. Oh well.

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jschergen 10 years ago

I didn’t like this tea. Gorgeous materials but I had a hard time getting anything out of it.

Z_LAMP 10 years ago

Yeah, it’s frustrating. It was honestly pretty interesting and enjoyable with extra leaf, but again, I’d want consistency and less funky metallic taste before I went any further. Hobbes liked one of their other teas (xin ban zhang), but all their stuff had almost doubled in price on YS by the time I made an order. Oh well.

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