My first oolong in a very long time, I figured I might as well go all out and get one that was rated very highly. Infused several times, I liked it more and more with each sip. I get the previously mentioned toasted rice (reminds me of genmaicha) and waffle cone flavor, also a bit of a cooked greens taste.
Having this again 6 months later, smells quite roastey/toastey in the bag. Steeped smell is roastey as well, but also smells a lot like hot chocolate. Taste is basically the same as smell. I’m not getting any of that genmaicha-like flavor I got last time, not much of the cooked greens taste either this time. I’m upping my score a little bit. As it cools I’m getting more and more mineral/hot rocks-like notes. Second steep had some slight caramelesque notes.
I don’t usually do oolongs iced, but I tried this that way out of curiosity and it is quite good, gonna have to have iced oolong teas more often.