694 Tasting Notes

I received this sample from Charissa. Thank you!

I had know idea what to expect with this tea. I read roasty and toasty, but this surprised me. It was really sweet with the roasty flavor. I am not sure what to think about this one. The roasty on this was almost too much. I think I may trying steeping this a little less next time.

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drank Cacao Mint by Samovar Tea Lounge
694 tasting notes

I received this tea from MissB’s tea sale back in January. Thank you!

I had a bunch of this back when I received it, but it looks like I didn’t write a note. Tonight I believe I over leafed or over steeped. It was a bit on the sour side. I get a bit of cacao, mint and then a bit of lavender. Some nights I enjoy this tea, other nights it just doesn’t sit right. I am glad to have experienced this combination, but I am not sure I would consider buying again.

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drank Pineapple Oolong by Lupicia
694 tasting notes

This is a sample from Cameron B! Thank you!

I had this as my afternoon tea today. Holy yum! This is was good. The flavor blended so well with the flavor of the tea. It really surprised me. Everything that I have had that has claimed pineapple, the pineapple has screamed “HEY ITS ME PINEAPPLE”. This was vegetal, sweet, coconut, with hints that made you realize you were drinking pineapple. The bad thing about drinking a lot of samples, it makes you want to buy EVERYTHING.

On a somewhat related note: Is it possible to still buy the Lupicia Honeydew Melon online?

Cameron B.

I want a tea that screams “HEY IT’S ME, PINEAPPLE!”

And they seem to be sold out of all of the San Francisco teas online again. :(


Cameron B – I have had 2 other kinds. The one I can remember was from Butiki. Have you had this one?

Cameron B.

I haven’t had the one from Butiki, but that’s kind of a moot point now… I did try the Lupicia one, it didn’t have enough pineapple for me. I have a sample of the David’s Tea version, so we’ll see how that one is. :)


Nice picture mudder! My husband just signed up a group for the one here.

Cameron B.

Hah, thanks! It was fun and I’m glad I did it, although I’m still super sore two days later… :P

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drank Chamomile by Harney & Sons
694 tasting notes

I have no idea where this tea bag came from. I think a few years ago we received Harney and Sons tea bags from an outfitter on a canoe trip, my first experience with H&S, and this was one of the flavors they had. The war with caffeine continues. Something isn’t right and I am not sure if it is what I am eating or drinking so to keep it simple, today is another day with low caffeine. I grabbed this from the work drawer to start the morning off. I had it in my head that I hate chamomile, but thought what the heck, if I hate it I can dump it. It is a surprisingly nice cup. Sweet, floral, chamomile-ish:) I could drink more of this. I started looking at H&S for low caffeine choices and I saw yellow and blue? Sounds like an interesting combination to try. Anyway no caffeine until I get a good meal in the tummy.

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drank Jasmine Pearls by Steepster
694 tasting notes

This is from the February 2014 Steepter Select Box.

I just started trying more greens and white teas. This is my second Jasmine that I happened upon in my stash. This was sooo lovely this afternoon. The jasmine was just right, sweet and not over powering. It melded well with the green tea. I ran out of time at work and only steeped these leaves twice. I have half a package left. We will see how far these leaves go. I am glad I have started to give Jasmine a chance.


I love Jasmine teas. Some are too jasmine and some not quite enough, but most are in the range that is just right.


If you like jasmine I think you would really like this one. It put me in a zen moment and I am just starting to warm up to them.


<3 Jasmine is one of my calming teas. I have a few that I really like that do a good job.

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This is another Gong Fu Tea sample from Charissa. Thank you!

This was so lovely. It smelled so wonderful and then it tasted just as nice. I wasn’t sure what to expect with this one as the word floral tends to scare me a bit. The black base was smooth and present, but not in your face and it blended well with the floral notes in the background. It had a slight fruitiness to it that I can’t quite explain. I think this is great hot, but would also be amazing iced.

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drank Kenyan Safari by Gong Fu Tea Shop
694 tasting notes

This is my second cup of this tea. The sample I have comes from Charissa. Thank you.

I started work EARLY this morning. I work an office job, but when I have a lot of stuff to get done I am one of those weird folks who likes to get up at the crack of dawn, and when I say the crack of dawn I really mean before most normal human beings would even think about waking up. My boss jokes that he didn’t even know that hour existed. I work better int he morning. Always have. So here I sit, tea in hand. Enjoying the last few minutes of piece and quite before the crowds decide to come in for the day.

Over the past few months I have had a few blended or straight teas from Kenya. To be honest I haven’t given these teas a fair chance. This tea is making me rethink my perspective to Kanyan teas. This tea is offing a complexity I didn’t expect. This is a brisk yet smooth cup. There are subtle hints of cream/vanilla in this cup and it also offers some small undertones of fruit. I could easily continue to enjoy this tea as a morning cup. My favorite from Gong Fu Tea shop ran out this weekend so it looks like the next time I am in Des Moines when the store is open or they offer free shipping I will be stocking up again. This may just make it into my cart.


I’m currently embroiled in CTCs….just about to review another one from Kenya. They can be wonderful!


donkeyTiara – What is your favorite so far?

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drank Pumpkin Chai by 52teas
694 tasting notes

My package from 52 teas came in the mail. It was interesting to watch the tracking information on this small package. The packages originate from Wichita and I live a mere 3 hours away in KC. This package left Wichita on Monday and didn’t arrive until Saturday? I watched the package pass through KC in route to Des Moines and then back track to Kansas City, Kansas, hang out in a sorting facility for 2 days and then make it to Kansas City, MO where it finally reached my mail box. I think there might have been a small woops on the USPS part on this one.

Anywho, onto this tea. I had been craving a pumpkin something, so when I saw this posted I grabbed a pouch. I will be honest. This was a little bit of a let down. So in my head I have this idea of spices that make up and chai and a spice tea. (maybe to others they are the same thing, but I have this idea they are different). This for me was similar to an orange spice tea with out the orange. It was a slightly creamy spice tea. Not my favorite, but it will not go to waste.


I’m glad it did finally make it.

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I bought this tea awhile ago. It is probably 2.5 years old. So my tasting note will be based on old tea. I bought this tea when I fist started drinking loose leaf. At the time it didn’t hit me well. I gave it to a friend who said she enjoyed jasmine. Since then I started getting REALLY into tea and she knows it so she offered me some of her tea that she no longer wanted, thinking I could post it on here or drink it myself. This was one of the teas that came back to me:)

Lately I have been drinking lighter teas. At first it was a means to avoid caffeine, and now it is just a means of exploration. I feel like I haven’t given green and white teas a fighting chance since I had a few bad experiences. Jasmine has been another ingredient that didn’t get much of a chance. So here I sit today in front of a green jasmine, and I am enjoying it! This is sweet with a strongish jasmine thing going on. The smell itself is relaxing and I could see myself enjoying the rest of this 2oz. Thanks to my friend for sending my tea back:)

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I am drinking the last of this sample from Green Terrace Teas this morning at work. Sometimes when I take teas to work I get a completely different experience than at home. Water temp/method of preperation, who knows. This morning I am wishing this wasn’t the last of this sample. It is very smooth and creamy with a burnt sugar/honey taste at the end of the sip. Yum! This might need to be in my cupboard sometime in the furture. Thanks again for the awesome samples Green Terrace Teas!

EDIT: I am steep #4 and this tea just keeps on giving.


That sounds really good! I need to place a GTT order soon.


i have a sample left. will include it ;)


Veronica – Did you get a chance to try their samples? What are you thinking of ordering? boychik That is sweet of you, but did you get a chance to try it. Form your love of Da Pao I think you would like this one.


yes, i did try. its completely diff fr DHP. Actually i really like teavivre’s Oriental Beauty. i think its more complex. do you have it? i can supply you w/sample as well


This is my favorite oolong.


Marzipan it was a really nice cup. Sometimes I worry that moments like today are going to be mood teas. I hope I consistently enjoy this type of tea. boychik – If you want to add a sample teavivre’s version i would definitely enjoy trying it.

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I started drinking tea while on a 4 month long cycling trip through South America. It seemed to always be a great way to warm up when I was cold and it was always available everywhere. Mate was the big tea of choice down there and it was also a great way to get to know people. When I returned home, my sister introduced me to Teavana and this launched me into the realm of loose leaf tea.

Earl Grey Cream – Zen Tea
North Winds – WP
Zho Ru -Verdant
Golden Monkey – H&S
Milk Oolong – Gong Fu Tea
Nahorhabi Assam – H&S


Kansas City, MO

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