March Sipdown Challenge Prompt – a tea that taught you something
I have returned to this, now 34 yr old, shôu pu’erh as snow is in the forecast, and a metaphorical chill has broadly fallen upon many of us. As was written by AJRimmer here about a different brew, “I liked it but didn’t love it.” So I added (dairy) milk and sweetener (which I never do for tea), partly in sarcastic humor. “And it was quite tasty!” A creamy aroma with a potent vanilla flavor and unidentifiable nuttiness arose, which was totally unexpected! I may try these additives to other pu’erhs with enthusiasm rather than wit. I learned, thanks to reading the notes here!
Followup Edit: I’m obliged to report some sad news— I poured a cup of hot water and added milk and sweetener, only to discover the same notes of creamy vanilla and nuttiness. So I cannot credit the tea for those flavors at all, and have removed those from my flavor listing. Generic yellow packet of sucralose and generic lactose-free ultrafiltered dairy milk. :-(
Flavors: Creamy