March Sipdown Challenge Prompt – a tea that taught you something

I have returned to this, now 34 yr old, shôu pu’erh as snow is in the forecast, and a metaphorical chill has broadly fallen upon many of us. As was written by AJRimmer here about a different brew, “I liked it but didn’t love it.” So I added (dairy) milk and sweetener (which I never do for tea), partly in sarcastic humor. “And it was quite tasty!” A creamy aroma with a potent vanilla flavor and unidentifiable nuttiness arose, which was totally unexpected! I may try these additives to other pu’erhs with enthusiasm rather than wit. I learned, thanks to reading the notes here!

Followup Edit: I’m obliged to report some sad news— I poured a cup of hot water and added milk and sweetener, only to discover the same notes of creamy vanilla and nuttiness. So I cannot credit the tea for those flavors at all, and have removed those from my flavor listing. Generic yellow packet of sucralose and generic lactose-free ultrafiltered dairy milk. :-(

Flavors: Creamy

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Pan-American: Left-coast reared (on Bigelow’s Constant Comment and Twinings’ Earl Grey) and right-coast educated, I’ve used this moniker since the 90’s, reflecting two of my lifelong loves—tea and ‘Trek. Now a midwestern science guy (right down to the Hawaiian shirts), I’m finally broadening the scope of my sippage and getting into all sorts of Assamicas, from mainstream Assam CTCs to Taiwan blacks & TRES varietals, to varied Pu’erhs. With some other stuff tossed in for fun. Love reading other folks’ tasting notes (thank you), I’ve lurked here from time to time and am now adding a few notes of my own to better appreciate the experience. You can keep the rooibos LoL! Note that my sense of taste varies from the typical, for example I find stevia to be unsweet and bitter. My revulsion to rooibos may be similarly genetic.
Photo with Aromatic Bamboo Species Raw Pu-erh Tea “Xiang Zhu” by Yunnan Sourcing, which is most definitely aromatic!



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