The more I drink this shou pu-erh, the more I like it! I steeped up several cups of this every morning for the past week. ~5g in 8oz boiling water for about 45 sec. With 4 – 8 resteepings. Each time I was rewarded with dark, thick, creamy and smooth teas, and the chen pi (aged tangerine peel, present in big chunks, 1cm^2 or larger) was a consistent flavor the whole way thru to the final steep, without overpowering! Any wet pile notes are now totally gone, as I’ve kept the broken up cake in a pint mason jar fitted with a filter paper cover to allow air exchange, in my darkened tea cabinet. I’ve been enjoying the other flavors of tea, geosmin, leather, and fresh-sawn oakwood, along with the absence of astringency, lack of putrefaction, non-fishiness and a lovely mouthfeel. It is a potent tea, and one time I let the 5th or 6th infusion oversteep for 10 min, and the brew was so strong I couldn’t drink it! In retrospect, I should have just diluted it threefold, which may be a strategy in the future. Again, I’m upping my rating to an 88, because it is so reliable and yummy!
Flavors: Geosmin, Leather, Orange Zest, Sawdust, Sweet, Tangerine, Tea, Woody