Drinking a bit of this tonight. If you call 3 cups worth a bit. Which I do since it’s one pot of my Breville (about 800ml).
It’s very sweet, with my normal amount of sugar added, sweeter than most would be. The plum aspects are very faint and it mostly just tastes like white tea to me, which is also subtle. I do pick up something other than just the white tea, but I don’t know what else is in here or what ‘natural flavourings’ means in this case. I don’t hate it but I don’t love it either.
I found the kitten’s new hiding place. It’s on the back corner of the broken futon bed in the room I was keeping him separated from the other cats. It still has his litterbox and dried food (wet food is up on the kitchen counter to keep the obese cat from it) so he’s comfortable. I wonder if I should put a cat bed there.