Wasn’t sure what I wanted tonight so I just grabbed this out of the bin.
Not bad overall. I get the peach and an unexpected sweetness overall with my first sip. Then the woodsy/piney flavor on the back taste that’s not as unpleasant as I was thinking it might be.
I found adding sugar to this didn’t really do too much, but then again, I only added a very small bit of sugar because I didn’t want to drown it. I might try some honey next time to see what happens.
2nd steeping – 5 min/Same Temp – Don’t get too much peach or sweetness with the second steeping. It seems to me that the pine/wood taste has gotten stronger, so I’m not sure if this is only a one steep wonder or if I just didn’t let it steep for long enough. I would think being an oolong that it would take to multiple steepings alright. But I’m not overly well versed in the oolong tea world so it’s highly likely I’m probly wrong. Lol.
It’s not a bad tea to keep around. But it’s also one that I’m not sure I would actively crave like I do some of the other’s in my stash. This one’s a possible, but not necessarily at the forefront, reorder.