I’ve tried this one before, but a long, long time ago. I don’t really remember it that well, so I’m happy to have the chance to revisit. I say that like it happened by accident, but it didn’t…I bought a box with my last T2 order, knowing that my Dad would love it even if I didn’t. He’s all about the grapefruit.
It was a little more bitter than I was expecting, but very grapefruity…and grapefruit is bitter, so I guess it’s actually perfect. It’s really clean and refreshing; an excellent morning or palate cleansing blend. I meant to try this one back in the summer, but I totally forgot – I can imagine it would be seriously good cold brewed with lots of ice!
It’s perhaps a little one dimensional, but I’m feeling it…sometimes it’s best not to over-complicate, and this is a really solid grapefruit blend. Also, no hibi! Always a bonus.
I’d happily drink this one again, which is reassuring given that I have an entire cube. It’s good stuff, and pretty unique amongst the fruit blends in my cupboard. I feel like grapefruit isn’t often a candidate for these kind of things, which is a shame.