I’m pretty sure I’ve tried this one before, but a long time ago, and possibly as part of Adagio’s holiday/Christmas sampler? It seems like an odd thing to find in a Christmas sampler, so I could be wrong, but I don’t think so. Now that it’s October, I basically want everything pumpkin, so this one jumped easily into my basket when I placed my last order. It would have been silly for two Sherlock blends to travel alone, after all!
This one contains cinnamon, ginger, cloves and cardamom. It’s very sweet, even a little syrupy, which is nice for a couple of sips but quickly becomes cloying. I suspect it would be better as a latte, or even just with milk, but I didn’t have any to hand at work when I prepared it. The flavour actually reminds me quite strongly of cola, which initially struck me as slightly odd…but then I remembered that cola is basically a blend of spices, and probably quite a few of them are in this blend, so it’s maybe not so surprising. The ingredients list speaks of “natural pumpkin spice flavouring”, but I’m struggling to find much that reminds me of squash/pumpkin here. Artificially sweetened pie filling, perhaps…and cola.
As it cooled, it started to verge on bitter, so I finished my cup up fairly sharpish. It’s by no means a terrible blend, but it wasn’t quite what I was expecting. I’ve definitely got some work to do with this one, although when was making a latte last considered work..?
My original rating for this one was 12, but I’ve increased that a bit because this cup wasn’t super awful…and I think if I added some milk or made it as a latte, it might actually be okay. So.