A sample from Shmiracles. This is an interesting one. Judging from the name and a couple of ingredients, I was expecting quite a dark, moody tea. Instead, it’s actually quite light and refreshing — more summer rain than dark winter, strangely. On the other hand, this would be a good tea to curl up in the warm with on the aforementioned dark, stormy winter night. Its ingredients might even be a pleasant reminder if warmer wather to come.
The initial sip is mostly cinnamon, which is followed by satisfyingly creamy coconut and vanilla. The chocolate comes out last, and lingers long in the aftertaste. It’s milk chocolate, rather than dark, and it seems to bind all of the other flavours together fairly effectively — like a friend in common. Taken together, it actually works better than I expected it to…spicy, sweet, creamy, chocolatey. It’s a warming, comforting cup…perfect with a splash of milk.
I was hoping for something a little darker and more brooding, but I’m pleased with what I actually got. An unusual combination of ingredients, and a pleasant tea to have tried. Thanks again to Shmiracles for sharing this with me!