After my success with the honeybush version over the last couple of evenings, I decided to try the SBT version at work today. I brewed it up last night, following the instructions. 2 cups of boiling water for three minutes, and then top up with cold to make just under 2 litres. Then it went in the fridge overnight, and this morning it came to work with me!
It’s thundery and humid out, so no surprise that it’s far too hot in my reception area. I’m surprised it took me so long to work out that iced black tea is what I’ve been lacking at work every summer. It’s a lot more refreshing than my usual hot tea, and because it’s black I can get my caffeine fix in as well. I’m useless by mid-afternoon, otherwise.
This is the second of the SBTs I’ve tried, and I think I did slightly better this time. The black tea base is still something you can taste, but it seems lighter and less prominent this time. I think maybe I oversteeped my Razzleberry, although I can’t say it really bothered me at the time. By comparison, though, this is more what I was looking for. Something to remember next time I’m brewing one of these — don’t get distracted!
Anyway, as with the honeybush version, this tastes uncannily like actual neapolitan ice cream. It also has the advantage of being reasonably cold this time, so the resemblance is even stronger. I can taste chocolate first, then a creamy vanilla, and then finally strawberry. The three combine beautifully in the aftertaste, to give the full neapolitan effect. Amazing!
Both versions of this are absolute winners with me. I added milk to the honeybush, which I haven’t done here, but I didn’t add sweetner to either. It really doesn’t need it. It’s not sweet, per se, but it tastes of what it’s supposed to, and that’s enough for me. I got one of each available flavour to try with my last order, but I think I’m going to have to stock up again very soon! These are just too good to pass up!