Thank you, Mr. Richard Zhang, at Vicony Teas for this free sample! I’ve only one more free sample to go.

Note: I edited this post due to a slight error with brewing instructions, on the Vicony Teas website. Thankfully, they corrected it.

Leaf Quality
The dry leaves are a dark black. One of them had a golden hue to it, however. They smelled malty and sweet. The brewed leaves were very leathery in consistency. Some were a dark brown, others as black as before. They smelled muscatel, and almost acidic (in a pleasant way). They were very aromatic, and had a different appearance than other black teas (the length in particular.

Brewed Tea
The color of the brew was a hue of copper-brown. It smelled smooth, light, and chocolaty. It tasted slightly malty, woody, and was very smooth. In fact, it was silky smooth- a really nice feature of this tea. There was a slight sweet after taste, and a floral finish with each sip.
Second Steeping
The second steeping had a much more light, and brassy-brown color. This cup smelled very floral- much more than the first. A honey-like sweet aftertaste followed my first three sips. After that, the malt made a return. I liked the second steeping better than the first. It enhanced the more subtle flavors.

I am very pleased to have gotten to try this tea (thankfully it tasted better when steeped longer than the original 20 seconds). This is also my first Lapsang Souchong that has not been smoked. A pleasant experience overall.

Boiling 3 min, 45 sec
viconyteas 13 years ago

Hi Scharp:

Thank you for your reviews.

I am sorry to say there is a mistake on our website about the steeping time and you steeped the tea for very short time. The tea should be steeped for much longer time. The Wuyi Laozong came from Tongmu, the core Lapsang Souchong producing area. It is called Zhengshan Tea. It won’t taste bitter even brewed for very long time. You may see the artciles introducing Tongmu and Lapsang Souchong on our Blog:



In addition, You are quite righ. “In the end, I noticed a slight floral aftertaste- something not too common for me to taste in a black tea.” The floral note you noticed is just what we call" Lao cong Wei"(the taste of old tea trees). It is an unique taste that we only can find in teas made of old tea trees. You can find the photos of the old tea trees in the above first blog.

Scharp 13 years ago

Thank you for the correction. I’ll steep it longer later today, and edit the review. I’ll read up on those articles soon.

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viconyteas 13 years ago

Hi Scharp:

Thank you for your reviews.

I am sorry to say there is a mistake on our website about the steeping time and you steeped the tea for very short time. The tea should be steeped for much longer time. The Wuyi Laozong came from Tongmu, the core Lapsang Souchong producing area. It is called Zhengshan Tea. It won’t taste bitter even brewed for very long time. You may see the artciles introducing Tongmu and Lapsang Souchong on our Blog:



In addition, You are quite righ. “In the end, I noticed a slight floral aftertaste- something not too common for me to taste in a black tea.” The floral note you noticed is just what we call" Lao cong Wei"(the taste of old tea trees). It is an unique taste that we only can find in teas made of old tea trees. You can find the photos of the old tea trees in the above first blog.

Scharp 13 years ago

Thank you for the correction. I’ll steep it longer later today, and edit the review. I’ll read up on those articles soon.

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I love drinking and reviewing tea. Green, Oolong, Black, White, Yellow, Dark, Pu-erh… It’s all great. In particular, my favorites are Taiping Hou Kui, and Aged Teas.

I’m currently in California, and started my interest in tea at a very young age. Ever since, I’ve looked for exotic, rare, and even newly-developed teas to try.

It doesn’t end there: I’ll try just about any tea new to me that crosses my path.

I typically brew tea in a traditional manner (different teas require different steeping times and water temperatures, ect…). Whichever directions are on the packaging or website, I tend to follow as well.

I’m also building a private collection of Pu-Erh teas and teas good for Aging. Hopefully, they’ll turn out nice.

Companies: If you are looking for a reviewer for tea, I would be happy to sample any of the teas you offer.

Message me for Sample swapping.



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