This is a truly fascinating tea. It’s from Numi’s Savory Tea line and I really wasn’t sure what to make of that. A savory tea?
I received a sample tea bag and was pleasantly surprised. This was steeped for about 3 minutes and was consumed without sugar, cream, etc.
This doesn’t taste like tea, but it’s definitely good! It tastes green, with definite vegetable flavors, along with easily detectable culinary herb flavors. It also has a distinctive buttery flavor, which had a comforting effect. The bottom line: it tastes like a very light, but delicious soup!
I mainly consume loose leaf tea now, but I am likely to buy this for cold nights when I’d like a more substantial tea. If you’d told me a month ago that I’d try and enjoy something like this, I’d have laughed. But life is full of little surprises!
I bought the sample box of these bizarre-sounding tisanes and am looking forward to trying them!
I got the sampler too! I have to try the rest. Been too distracted with other teas lately!