93 Tasting Notes
Before Brewing:
The leafs are nice! I purchased some pu erh before, but the quality of these leafs are just a tad better (bigger, more unbroken & more even in color) The smell is different. It reminds me of… What’s the word… It’s opposite of spring… FALL!
After steeping:
The color of the liquid is very dark orange (typical pu erh orange). It’s smells very woody – very pleasant. And it taste woody too with a smoky feeling. It’s so different from my usual pu erh that I want to make another pu erh to compare it with. The aroma changes in the mouth. It’s woody at first, smoky after swallowing and sweet when the smokey flavor recedes.
All in all – I like it!
It is the best unflavored pu erh I ever had and I didn’t have to force myself to refill my cup. It’s not a “YUM!” moment, but I am so happy to find a pu erh without flavor in it that’s drinkable!
So here is a: “YUHUU!!!” instead :)
P.S The english language is so funny!
Do you realise you got 72 meanings for “fall”. That’s like crazy.
I swear to God that I only steeped it for like 2-3 min. It’s awfull, I tell you.
Some things have feelings engraved to them and this has HATE blended into it.
(It’s sour, salty and astringy and taste of nothing but unloved, unprotected tea.)
There is really only one thing left to say: NEVER AGAIN!
It’s so awfull, in fact, that this will be my ratingssystems bottom!
(… Go to hell english breakfast by Pickwick)
… I really should learn to stay away from pickwick.
But I craved tea, and it was the only one on the shelf :(
And yes, it’s awesome to be a little mad at awefull teas.
I like to type really LOUDLY on the computer… It’s fun
Thanks for taking one for the team so no one else has to suffer. I hope you blended up your favorite tea to rid your tastebuds of the stench!
A green Earl Grey with Jasmine!
The leafs are nice… Very even in size and colors.
A spoon of dry leafs smells very much of Earl Grey, but I can’t detect the jasmine in the dry leafs. THEN after steeping the weirdest thing happened. The smell of EG is all gone and is now replaced by … (drumroll) … Jasmine!
It also taste very much of jasmine. In fact the jasmineflavor is so much in-your-face it drowns all the other other flavors. This is so unlike Perchs blend it leaves me slightly confused. They usually blends to perfection, and this is far from perfect. Somehow I like it anyway. As a jasmine tea it’s actually decent, and CHEAP, so if I ever run dry of jasmine tea I would go to this.
By the way, the coloring of this tea is also weird. Green with a brown tint.
Oh, Perch – I found a flaw of you today but it’s so good that I forgive you!
(P.S Long live the Queen and all her dogs)
The thing is that the leafs are still in the mug.
I am lazy – but really fast drinking – so I used a Bodum travelmug with infuser and drank it about 5-or 7 minutes after. I wrote the note seconds after steeping while sipping so there should be a “oversteep” flaw here.
Hmm…But maybe I could find the EG notes in a shorter steeping period! Thank you for noting this. I try it again later ;)
I just picked up the description on the companys webside :)
I’ve found that AC Perch’s generally put ridiculously long steeping times in their descriptions. I’ve started to just ignore them.
Yes, they seem to do that.
I guess people should follow their taste. Yesterday I steeped a tea for 2-3 minutes and the one who asked for the tea asked me to set the teaegg back in the cup – she said the tea was a little weak.
I don’t mind, but I am sure that tea got a little sour because of oversteeping.
It seems that some people really enjoy their tea strong – I say good for them!
I neeever saw a black tea with jasmine. Have you?
Should be packing now, we bought a new apartment, and we are moving tomorrow. (it’s actually 3 in the morning over here and I should also be sleeping) but oh well.
Back to the note.
I was not able to see the color of this tea, but I am guessing BROWN. I sniffed at the teabag (God, it’s a oldfasion teabag) and I can’t detect any jasmine at all. Took a sip or two and tried really hard to find the jasmine flavor but to no avail.
No jasmine.
Bummer. They get one star for trying. (Out of TEN!)
Black tea and jasmine… never saw that before…
Angrboda, I meant yes I’ve seen one other than this. If I meant this particular tea Iwould have said, “Yes I’ve seen (or drank) this before.”
Pickwick is one of the most common teabag brands here. Think Lipton. Most people who have had better stop expecting ambrosia and nectar from Pickwick.
Aww… Just moved to another place and haven’t logged on before now!
Cofftea – did you try another brand? Did that taste good?
And yes Anrboda… It IS pickwick. I don’t know what went through my head when I made it! Thank god it’s not my tea (it was on the shelf of my workplace)
Royal Copenhagen – I HATE YOU dammit!!!
How dare you make so adorable cute and practical airtight tea tins and fill them with AWESOME mindblowing tea? I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.
I especially hate the fact that you don’t write what company that blends your tea, I hate that you don’t sell your tea on the internet (like all other sane and practical companies does) and the fact that the three tins of tea I bought from you were so awesome that I need to stockpile it NOW. I hate that you sell your (just about under) 2 oz tea to 59 kr. (10 USD) -do you want my bank to blacklist me?
This tea is AWESOME.
NO, it’s… above awesome. I’ve tried green tea of all kinds blended with all kind of fruit and cream, and honey and… (the list is too long) So what the hell is this!? This is not tea, this is a piece of paradise. Last I heard, paradise was forbidden for mere humans like us so what is this!?
I never smelled so sweet a green tea like this.
The quality of the leafs are ridicules considering the taste. They are even – yes, but they look as is a little child has been sitting for hours measuring the sizes and clipping them to even bits. Some leafs are darker than than others. After steeping the water takes a yellow shade. Nothing more! And I had to steeped a little longer because it confused me. All in all – íf I had to judge this tea out of apperance this would get a C.
All the annoyance dissappeared when I took the first sip.
I never tasted anything like this! It’s sweet at first but as I swallow it, it… tickles. What is that? it’s… bitter but not bitter. It’s nutty but not nutty.
I can’t find the word for what it is, but I can tell you what it isn’t.
It’s not too grassy, bitter, or seaweedlike.
My vocabulary fails me. I can’t even describe it in danish or greenlandic.
I give up. It’s just Awesome okay?
I noticed you are from Greenland – how cool is that!
Unfortunately, I bet shipping tea is expensive!
My wife and I got curious and looked up Nuuk on Wikipedia; sounds like it might be a nice, quiet place to live.
So are English/Danish the main languages there?
Yes, it’s very cool :)
The shipping is expensive… I try to buy my tea when I am in Denmark because the only tea available in Nuuk are Kusmi tea and Lipton. (As you can imagine, I am getting a little bored by those.) Nuuk is the capital of Greenland but only 16 000 lives here and people are amazed by the fact that you can see the whole town in one day (really just 15 min. with bus from one side of the town to the other.) I have to hop on a ship or a plane if I want to get to another city – no roads. If you have google earth you can see how small it is – it’s tiny! And that’s Greenlands largest city.
The main language of Greenland is greenlandic (a sort of inutitut) danish and english. We learn all of them in school, greenlandic and danish from kindergarden and english in 4. grade. Some are better than others ;)
Wow! I didn’t know much of anything about Greenland until now. Sounds like an interesting, fun, very unique place to live. Difficult for some things, but you get to live in a country that has little polution probably, lots of space, and you get to learn 3 languages!
Have you been to any other towns across the country? Seems like it would be difficult/not worth it to travel very far (within the country).
I haven’t been on to many towns in Greenland.
As you said – it’s difficult and costly. I’ve been in small towns in the Nuuk area and in a few towns having a small refuelstop with airplanes. Maniitsoq is not far from here, but all I ever saw was the airport :)
Hmm… I haven’t been on the other side and I don’t really have the urge to.
I have a few friends from there and they tell me that there isn’t much to do over there. I am not the type who needs café and citylife all the time, but until I learn how to fish and kayak I’ll stall with the outdoor life ;)
(- unless I could go north and try the dogsleds!)
Do you live somewhere warm? I’ve been in italy and the heat was killing me.
People might think our country is unique – but I can’t imagine living a place where no snow falls in the winter.
I live in Southern California currently. It is almost always warm, as you probably know. (But I grew up in Colorado, which has 4 seasons). For me, it’s hard to imagine living in a place that doesn’t usually get warmer than 15 celsius!
California – that’s awesome. You live in a very different enviroment than me!
Many greenlanders will tell you that they freeze more in Denmark than in Greenland because of the humidity. (among them – me! It’s so cooold!)
We have very stable weather, no floods and stuff.We have very stormy winters, but as we say here:“There are no bad weather – only bad clothing” ;)
I saw the tin and bought it.
Yes, I am still Vain – In fact I should have my name changed in here from “Rijje” to “VainWannabeTeaLoverWithBadTastingNotes” but I think the name is too frickin’ long.(Even the short version VWTLWBTN)
Decaf is not my style, but here it is. It’s okay.
Not a rebuy and not a pleasure drink.
…Maybe I serve it to unwelcomed guests
The weather is grey. I need to recharge, so I took a bag of this out (I only have 5 left).
I am thinking of changing my rating system. Normally I just look at the smileys, check what tea I think is better or worser than the tea I am rating and rate after that.
But what tea would go to 100 points?
An extraordinary one I guess. Like this one.
I can’t pin down why it’s so good. It just is. There is so much going on in the mug. A sour/maltyness that reminds me of coffee, a saltyness that should be disgusting but instead taste pleasant. A certain depth. Someone wrote “They keep saying that this taste like wet stones, but what does wet stones taste like?” To me the taste of wetstone would be like the taste of the air in a sauna. This tea has a note of that.
If I read this: “This tea taste malty, sour and salty with a hint of wetstone”…
Well I wouldn’t buy it. But it taste great!
100 it is.
Round, nutty and… darjeeling. Everyone talks about it, and now I know why.
Maybe I evolved. Suddenly clean tea taste good. This tea does!
Two tea I disliked are now on my fave’ list.
It’ awesome. Can’t figure out if this darjeeling is black or green.
The leafs are black, but the liqour is yellowish. Second steep is lovely. It’s like a dessert after the first steep. A little sweeter and smoother than the first. Maybe even better than 1 steep.
I found it! THE Earl Grey of my dreams!
It’s just awesome. Smooth as hell and the perfect balance of bergamont flavor and black tea. It has a “clean” taste to it, like mint, and NO bitterness at all! Not even when I forgot the mug and let it steep a while to long.
AWESOME.- Maybe it’s not a earl grey you guys would like (We all got our own taste) but this is the earl grey I have been searching for. My Atlantis, the tea I HATED because I never found one that suited my taste.
I can’t find a picture to this tea, but I will! The tin was the whole reason I bought this tea (I almost gave up on Earl Grey). I don’t know if you know “Royal Copenhagen” but they make some awesome porcelain stuff. This tin can has some traditional blue flowers painted on and it’s airtight!
I am seriously considering licking our table (it’s made of wood)…
Just to be sure it really is “wood” flavor I got with the tea :P
I apologise on behalf of the English language.