Two years ago a half dressed tea blogger drank this and then sent it off to TeaDB which might qualify it to be a tea slut pu’erh.
I ended up drinking 16 steeps of this and now it’s almost midnight… I can admit that this does have some power behind it which at first isn’t noticeable because the taste is alluring which calms me down.

Very. Very. Very deep steeps for a raw pu’erh.

This is my fourth pu’erh that is at least 20 years old which means two things: I have had multiple mature raw pu’erh and I am rather fortunate when it comes to my pu’erh journey a it started less than a year ago. This, and all of those others, were provided by fellow Steepsters and I am very thankful to have such opportunities.

The first few steeps have a bit of the aging to get through, but eventually it equals out and a deep flavor pops more which I can describe at best as old fermented wet grass… however odd that sounds, the taste is pure and very smooth. A nice upfront taste followed by a lingering top of the mouth and back of the lips feeling all while giving a nice feeling around the head due to the complex notes being provided (and maybe some lingering warmth).
I ended up getting rather tea drunk drinking this alone because I drank around 30 ounces of this with hopes that tomorrow morning it will start right back up. One thing that I really enjoy about this is how consistent it is once it hits steep six. After that I was able to provide cup after cup of the same thing which was unique and oddly great tasting as the words I could describe it as would be items people would want in the trash; it would sound worse if I said this was a preserved wet mixture of spring and autumn grass clippings from years ago with a dash of magic.

Check out what made me finally enjoy this sample:

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