33 Tasting Notes
tldr: Try flash cold brewed its really good.
I got a sample of this. I first tried this gong fu with 7g to 150mL. The tea is exactly what it is described as, a daily drinker. It doesn’t have too much complexity but is quite mellow and pleasant to drink. However, because I wasn’t actually super interested in drinking this tea hot I tried flash brewing this with ice.
I stacked two steeps of the tea in a cocktail shaker full of ice. Shook till all the ice disappeared and I have to say that this tea shined a lot more. Through this method there was a lot more dry mouth to the tea but there was more flavors brought out through it being cold and it was extremely refreshing. I would highly suggest anyone to try this tea cold brewed if they do decide to get a cake or sample of this tea.
Flavors: Bitter, Drying, Grass, Vegetal
The first thing that I would say about this tea is that it does not gong fu. That doesn’t mean that it is bad but it is ctc and medium quality so when I did try and brew this tea gong fu what ended up happening is that a lot of the bad aspects of the tea. That being said, I think that this tea does pretty well if you steep it for less then the recommended amount of time and do it western style. I used about 3 grams in a big mug and only steeped it for about a minute and the tea was honey like with some nice basic assamic notes. The tea wasn’t super interesting and didn’t have very many complexities but is nice when you are looking for something that isn’t as involved as a full gong fu session.
Flavors: Honey, Malt, Sweet
The dry leaves smell like super fresh grass with a bit of bitterness in the background. I am brewing this tea in my Yixing pot so some of the bitterness that would normally be in this tea might be cut down. My ratio is also lower then it normally is because I only have a sample of this tea. I did two quick washes and then my first steep was around 5 seconds long.
The first steep brewed up very lightly. This brew is a bit light but still has an abundance of flavor. At the forefront of this tea there is quite a bit of fruityness like cherries. In the middle there is this extremely pleasant bitter metalic taste. I know that this does not seem like the most appealing of descriptions but it tastes extremely bright and light and the tastes dance on your tongue bouncing back and forth between this wonderful fruityness and this light metal taste. On the aftertaste the tea delves into a very pleasant sweetness, not like honey or a sugar sweetness but a very pleasant sweetness nonetheless. Later steeps bring out even more complexities in the flavor. This is a very delicious tea that if you can get your hands on I would highly suggest you do. That being said, I can’t find it anymore on their website so I don’t know if that is a possibility anymore.
Flavors: Cherry, Fruity, Metallic, Sweet
This is the second time that I have tried this tea. In the front of the tea there is some bitterness and a lot of maltyness with a hint of caramel that then melts into a sweetness that tastes like honey. This is a delicious tea and clearly of good quality. If it were available for myself I would probably try and get my hands on some of this tea. It is interesting but I think that this tea has a lot to discover.
Flavors: Caramel, Honey, Malt
I got 50g of this tea so I’ve had a pretty good chance to try out this tea. If you brew this tea hotter then you get a lot more of the smokiness and if you brew it cooler than it honestly doesn’t put forth much flavor. The front notes are quite smoky like charcoal but followed with a pleasant fruitiness. This is not a super complex tea but it is an extremely enjoyable daily drinker and I think that it is an extremely pleasant experience.
Flavors: Fruity, Smoke, Stonefruit
This tea is really yummy first of all. The dry leaf looks quite like a longjing with a yellower purple tint. The wet leaves smell quite a bit like a high quality sencha. It steeps quite a bit like a nice sencha but with more sweetness and depth to it. It’s a little more fruity and has more complexity then a sencha. This is a pretty rare tea that is hard to find and is quite yummy.
Flavors: Cut Grass, Grass, Sweet, Warm Grass
The smell coming from the wet leaves of this tea is similar to an Assam black tea with a little bit more sweetness in the back of the tea with some spices as well. I did a question ck wash to open the tea up despite it being only semi rolled/twisted. The first steep came in quite minty which I was not expecting but is delicious. This tea tastes like a minty Assamica that has a lot of sweetness behind it. It has quite a bit of complexity and is completely delicious! I would love to get my hands on some more of this tea as I only received a sample of this but it is absolutely delicious. You like darker oblongs with quite a bit of body, complexity and flavor that this is the tea for you. It does not taste very roasted at all so if you don’t like smokiness don’t worry.
Flavors: Honey, Mineral, Mint
The first thing that I got from this tea that surprised me was the sweetness. It’s not a standard sweetness like honey or sugar but rather a pleasant softness. It tastes very much like the Fujian. There is pretty much no astrigincy in this tea which makes it extremely pleasant to just drink normally. At the end it does sip in with a bit of honey that is extremely pleasant. This tea is really yummy especially for super reasonable price this is definitely going on my wishlist for a daily drinker.
Flavors: Caramel, Citrus, Citrus Fruits, Fruity, Honey, Lemon
From smelling the tea in the cup although I thought that it would come across as extremely rummy because that it the overwhelming smell that came from the bag (not saying that that is a bad thing). The resulting brew however tasted nothing like any of the ripe puerhs that I have tried, granted I haven’t tried THAT many. It sips in with a quite strong taste of muscatel and grape and overall is actually quite fruity. This is probably one of my favorite ripe puerhs that I have had. It definitely tastes like rum but more in the same way that
Flavors: Alcohol, Earth, Muscatel, Rum