I got a sample of this from a TU order a while back. It is a bit of a mean one. The dry leaves have an innocent enough sweet/floral aroma, but after a rinse, the scent is more savory with a touch of smoke.
My session with this one did not go so well. I don’t think I brewed it the best way I could’ve, as it was a bitter and slightly astringent bomb that wreaked havoc on my gut. Flavor was bitter with some honey and slight fruitiness – light smoke in the first few infusions. The mouth feel from this was quite tingly. I’m going to have to give this another try with a full stomach and more respect. It is definitely one that needs some more age, and I can’t imagine drinking it fresh.
I very rarely have any problems with tea making me feel unwell, but this one just kicked me in the gut and then bludgeoned me over the head while I was bent over. Qi was intense in the head and upper torso – had to take a couple breaks along the way. Perhaps one to drink more slowly.
Flavors: Honey, Smoke, Stonefruit, Thick