Something about my three Teavivre tins standing tall on my tea tin shelf makes me really happy. And, on mornings when I want a sure-fire good tea, I go to one of those.
I don’t think I have ever been disappointed by a Teavivre tea. How do they do that?
I can’t remember if I have reviewed this before. I think I might have opened it when the site was being wonky and didn’t write anything up. It surprised me. I got a very strong muscatel smell from the dry leaf – at least I think it is muscatel. I see other people have described it as fig, and I could see that too. I don’t have much experience at all with figs so I can’t say for sure.
That flavor carried over to the brew as well. Somehow it managed to be both malty and fruity at the same time, which was nice since most of my golden teas are just malty. I’m really glad I have an obscene amount of this one.
My tall tins give me the same feeling!