424 Tasting Notes

drank Ginger Tea by Harney & Sons
424 tasting notes

Another from Target. Interestingly, I can’t find this on the Harney site. Maybe it’s exclusive to Target? I love ginger and really enjoyed drinking this. Also interesting that they call it a tea. Maybe we get bent over the tea/tisane thing too much?

Cameron B.

Oooh, that tin is gorgeous! :D


I’m so tempted to get these every time I go to Target (which is far too often). I haven’t seen this one!

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drank Peppermint by Harney & Sons
424 tasting notes

I might have bought this at Target because the tin appealed to me. Maybe. I love my little Harney tins and recover them with other companies’ labels to reuse them. WP bags are a great size for that. If only they locked together when stacked!

Anyway, my tummy is a bit unhappy tonight so I made some of this and I am really enjoying it! I don’t know what about the peppermint makes the brew tea colored, so that was a surprise.

Cameron B.

Their tins are gorgeous, especially those colored ones. I’m always tempted to buy one when I’m at Target, too. :P


I partially bought Paris because of the tin.


These tins are so adorable:P
Was the peppermint super strong? :D


I steeped it for 5 minutes and I really loved the way it turned out, I could see it becoming a habit. It was pleasant but I wouldn’t say too strong.


Thank you! I might just have to try this one out, then:]


I have a few of these empty tins, but I’m afraid to use them because the scent lingers (cinnamon in one, vanilla in one, mint in one). Marzipan, how did you clean them out? I soaked them for about a day with soap and water and then scrubbed them with soap and hot water, but they still smell like they might contaminate any tea I put in there.

Cameron B.

mj, usually I wash them and then let them just sit on the counter and air out for a few days.


Denture tablets! My daughter has a retainer so we have a huge box. They are magic.


Thanks guys! I must make sure my teas are safe from flavor contamination :)

Cameron B.

Marzipan, wow, thanks for the tip! I’ll be sure to try that. :D


I also use the tabs on my gravity steeper and the tea stains come right off.


Oo that’s a great idea!


I love peppermint tea. I tend to have a cup every day, although I can’t drink it right now due to heartburn from pregnancy :( Definitely one of the things I’m looking forward to getting back to in a little less than three months.

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From Marco Polo TTB

I like Assams, and this one is very multi layered and deep. It brewed up as dark as coffee, but isn’t so strong that it is off putting. It’s just smoothly bold and very enjoyable. Thanks to Yunnan Sourcing for providing the samples for this box!


Cameron B.

So many good companies in these boxes! Can’t wait to try more Yunnan Sourcing teas. :D


Sounds delicious


Hey, I forgot to mention that YS had specifically requested that we link to their product pages in our tasting notes. If you don’t mind editing this link into the end of your note as a thank you to them that would be really nice. http://yunnansourcing.com/en/yunnan-black-teas/2934-wild-arbor-feng-qing-black-tea-pure-assamica-spring-2014.html

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From the Marco Polo TTB.

The timing on this was great, since just this morning I was looking at Yunnans on the YS site. I was debating if I should order a large quantity of a tea I had never tasted. Then the TTB arrived and this tea was there. Serendipity!

It was quite delicious. I drink a lot of Yunnan blacks and found this one to have all of the malty, yammy qualities that I love, but with a really nice smoothness. None of the flavors smacked me in the face, but blended together in a very balanced brew. I definitely won’t have any issue ordering this one!


Cameron B.

Yum, I haven’t tried this one. I hope it’s in Lewis & Clarke too! :D


I just started looking at that site too! So much deliciousness! Must not buy more tea!

Terri HarpLady

I enjoy this one a lot, especially nice with multiple short steepings. I like all the teas Ive gotten from YS :)


Again, If you don’t mind editing this link into the end of your note, that would be really nice. http://yunnansourcing.com/en/yunnan-black-teas/2875-jinggu-golden-strand-pure-bud-yunnan-black-tea-spring-2014.html

Ha, sorry to be so annoying!

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Om nom nom nom nom nom
/snuggle /cuddle /purr

Cameron B.

Hooray for happy tea moments! <3

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drank Golden Yunnan by RiverTea
424 tasting notes

From Tea & Cards TTB

This tea must have suffered from being in the TTB. I was excited to see it and it was the first one I tried, but it tasted like absolutely nothing. I dumped it out and found solace in some Bailin. I’m not rating it because I don’t think this was a true representation of the tea.


That’s always disappointing.

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I am acting a little like an idiot in Steepster chat this morning, because I have to keep myself from making every other thing I type how good this tea is….er, was. It’s gone now and I must get more.

Teavivre is quickly becoming one of my favorite companies. Really there is nothing I don’t love about them. Their staff is great, and very much in touch with the tea community. The products are superb and I even love their packaging.

I took a leap of faith and ordered 100g of four different black teas from there. Today as I have my first cup, I am feeling pretty smug and proud of myself. I also pulled out a bunch of teas from my cupboard that I am going to get rid of because really, when I can be drinking THIS, why drink THAT?

Cameron B.

I agree, TeaVivre is awesome. And so is this tea. <3


You crack me up. Why aren’t you telling us how awesome this tea is in the chat? You should be.

Lariel of Lórien

They are my new fave for black teas (well, the Yunnan ones anyway.)


Teavivire is a great company. And this tea… so good!


Feel free to rave in the chat LOL




I love this tea! And yes, TeaVivre is awesome!! :)

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Cameron B.

Lol, epic. Crazy Eyes is terrifying.

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drank Diamond Jubilee by Harney & Sons
424 tasting notes

You guys were right. Blodeuyn was so nice and sent me some fresh sachets of this and it is quite nice! I am really enjoying it and definitely get the citrus flavor this time.


So glad this batch is better!

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Sometimes I get so engrossed in all of the golden fuzzy snaily yummy monkey picked bits of awesome out there that I forget about Keemun.

KEEMUN is good, y’all! This one especially. It was exactly what I needed today after two failed tea experiments. I needed something that I was sure would be a home run, and turned to TeaVivre for that. TeaVivre never lets me down.

This was a hearty black tea, and it had a little extra oomph – almost a Darjeeling type flavor, sort of grapey, but not like candy grapey, more like wine grapey. I am really bad at describing flavors but this tea definitely had more dimensions than I anticipated that it would. Really yummy. Thank you Angel for the sample!

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Mom of two practically grown girls, extremely happily married to a man who is amused by my obsession with tea, and company owner who works from home. Life is good.

Likes/dislikes: I love black teas, especially strong/malty ones. I am ok with flavored teas if the base is strong. I like some whites. I really don’t like any tea that tastes “green” – if I wanted to drink something that tastes like green beans, I would cook some green beans. I am not big on green teas or genmaichas. I am learning to like puerhs.

If we are trading, I have a STRONG aversion to coconut, banana and licorice. I love citrus, vanilla and spice. Not a fan of florals.

Check out my blog!


Kentucky, drowning in tea.

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