2070 Tasting Notes

drank Vrtna sliva by 1001 CVET
2070 tasting notes

Fruit tea – so I don´t expect much.

When I took bag from foil wrapping aroma punched me into nose. Plums, plums everywhere. After adding boiling water it immediately started turning red (thanks to hibiscus and rosehips) and after 8 minutes of steeping (recommended) mug is filled with dark and deep red liquor. Now it smells like artificial plum cake with lots of cinnamon.

In taste it is rather bland and not very plum taste. Bit sour, bit sweet, bit cinnamon. Not much plums – but it´s quite good. Even bit bland. Just common fruit tea which is supposed to be plum one.

I haven´t got big expectations, so it´s quite good anyway. Nothing extra though. A little bit more than 50

Flavors: Artificial, Cinnamon, Plum

Boiling 8 min or more 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Mandalay Spring by Nous Tea
2070 tasting notes

Last one from them and unfortunately worst one. The only one green, from Myanmar.

Hay colour. In tea bag mixture of bigger leaves and grain sized leaves.

Taste is bit hay, nothing very distinctive. Then I thought it is with jasmine but apparently it isn´t; but certainly it smells like jasmine one. But also it´s bitter and astringent which made me unhappy. I am dissapointed with this one. But this was really nice series of teas.

Unfortunately, I didn´t noticed any of advertised tastes – no honey smooth, no apricot sweetness. At least now. I have three bags left, so we will see.

5/5 of their Discovery colleciton from Etsy

Flavors: Astringent, Bitter, Hay, Jasmine

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Black tea with mint sounds interesting, so let´s try it.

Colour is bit cloudy gold; but without dust. tea itself in bag is mostly mint dust and lemongrass pieces, not so much tea in. Similiar in aroma, bit overpowering mint and lemon notes.

The taste is though very nice, mostly minty with lemon aftertaste. Of course a little of “tea” taste is there and it´s again some good blend on itself, because it´s nicely smooth and bit of honey.

I have enjoyed it, but mint is bit too storng for my taste. Or are my tea buds ready for just plain black teas? I don´t know :)

4/5 of their Discovery colleciton from Etsy

Flavors: Honey, Lemongrass, Mint

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Prepared in thermos as I was in hurry and I had to leave. So bit unusal review.

Basic green tea, which is almost unnoticable, followed by fresh orange flavour and and little bit of spicy – probably ginger.

For the price it certainly makes the job, warms inside – as there is ginger, but dominant orange flavours which made this tea nice and mellow. Nothing extra, but better than expected.

Flavors: Ginger, Orange

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Three cups of tea in one day? Well, it´s really cold over there and I need to focus on studies.

It smells like Darjeeling I had earlier with little of orange peel notes as they advertise. There is no malt notes this time.

Colours are very similar to orange bar on the box, so it is brighter copper and clear, without dust.

Taste is smooth, bit orange zest and easy drinking. I do not notice any spices. Flavour remains for long. Bit sweet – but not sugar sweet, rather like mild liquor, which heats you inside. So far from them nicest tea I had; a little better than Tanzania.

3/5 of their Discovery colleciton from Etsy

Flavors: Orange

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 11 OZ / 330 ML

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Another black tea by Nous Tea; this time with bergamot oils.

Nice blend of teas, with dominant bergamot smell and taste. There is some aroma behind the bergamot, but I don´t know what. Maybe slight malt? Or other citrus fruits?

Colour is even darker copper than in Kilimanjaro Sunrise, still clear though. On the water level there are spots of oil, so oil were used for bergamot flavour.

In taste it´s again mostly bergamot, but blend of teas were selected well, as tea on itself isn´t bitter, but is full-bodied and smooth. When bergamot disappears from tate, some slight notes of limes appear. Maybe bit of pear or stone fruits – which I really find interesting and unexpected in Earl Grey blend. Great one!

2/5 of their Discovery colleciton from Etsy

Flavors: Bergamot, Lime

Boiling 4 min, 30 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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Eh, it went lost. Twice (my faults)… Come on.

Another tea bag – but it´s pyramid shaped one, so leaves have space to expand and they did! Even dry they look quite big and good looking. No dust, no granules – big leaves instead.

They say it´s Assam style tea from Tanzania. And I have agree, tea is wonderful – bit of malt flavours with honey aftertaste which lingers for long. In aroma it´s like burnt wood and bit of honey. It´s so easy drinking and quite energy boosting – I like it so much.

Colour is dark cooper and it´s liquor is clear.

1/5 of their Discovery colleciton from Etsy

Flavors: Burnt, Honey, Malt

205 °F / 96 °C 4 min, 0 sec 10 OZ / 300 ML

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drank Sleep Well by Tipson
2070 tasting notes

Not yay, not nay. Average.

Chamomile is ovewhelming all others. Little notes of lemongrass and nutmeg. Good to relax, but chamomile taste was too strong.

Flavors: Herbs

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec 8 OZ / 250 ML

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Gaiwan, about 5 grams, 85 ml, each steeping about 30-60 seconds (didn´t measured exactly), temperature around 90 °C

At first it was hard to get some tea – it was very compressed it was hard to make a slice. But afterwards, tea was quite astringent so I thought that I used too much leaves to my small gaiwan. With next and next steepings, the astringency was fading and it started to have stonefruits and/or bamboo flavour. It smooths well too. But it still has got bitter aftertaste.

In smell I smelled bamboo and bit of grass and it was pleasant. No crazy stuff.

Overall, I really liked it, though first steepings were bit nightmare. Fifth and later – that´s my cup of tea!

Don´t know how much steepings I made, I didn´t count today.

Flavors: Astringent, Bamboo, Grass, Stonefruit

195 °F / 90 °C 0 min, 45 sec 5 g 3 OZ / 85 ML

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Blah, this tea was just awfully sweet drink with orange taste. Maybe it was orange juice?

Weird brown colour, sweet, orange reamins in mouth for long. I expect at least bit of bitterness when it´s with ginseng, but nope, there is nothing like that.

So just blah, if you want something sweet, it can work, but don´t expect tea taste.

Flavors: Orange, Sweet

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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I am drinking almost everything. Tea bag collector who moved to wonderful world of loose leaf.

Trying to rate differently tea bags and loose leaf as tea bags have usually worse quality.

Photographer now and then. Postcrossing and geocaching member. Very curious person. Logistics student (should finish in June 2021).

Buried in tea right now. Is in my cupboard (trying to be updated) which sparkled your interest? Write me, I would gladly share with you. But I don’t want anything in return now :)


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