So, I made an effort to follow the steeping instructions this time. Microwaved it till the digital thermometer read 191, and I set a timer for 3.5 minutes, though by the time I took the tea out, it was probably closer to 4.

I’m not as familiar with oolong tea as I am with black/green/white/rooibos/herbal – I don’t drink it as often. I loved this Kickstarter campaign, though, and I’m looking forward to trying it.

The oolong (steeped) smells a little more grassy and flowery than I’m used to with my teas. Almost like it’s fermented. The color is a marigold yellow. The taste matches the scent, but it’s not unpleasant. It’s definitely got a more vegetal quality than most teas I’m used to. I haven’t had enough oolongs over the years to decide if that’s just how they are, or if this is more unique to this variety.

As it cools to the point where I can drink longer, rather than just sipping at it (it’s still hot), I’m getting a distinct impression of clover. There is the barest hint of sweetness to it that rounds out the grassiness.

I do think next time I steep this tea, though, I might let it steep for a longer period. Maybe at a slightly lower temperature, and see what flavor I get from it.

Flavors: Grass, Vegetal

190 °F / 87 °C 4 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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I’ve been drinking tea since I was a little girl, and drinking different types for about the past 10 years or so, but only recently have I started exploring the different notes from different regions and flavored teas.

I’d say the water here isn’t bad (although a little hard), but I filter it anyway, just in case. I use tap water filtered with a PUR faucet filter in my tea and coffee.


Austin, TX

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